4 Ways to Send Customer Appreciation Letters

customer appreciation letter

4 Ways to Send Customer Appreciation Letters

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Satisfied customers can become brand ambassadors, shouting your praises to anyone that will listen. Keep them happy and they’ll be customers for life.


This is why it’s important to occasionally remind them how much they mean to you. Gratitude is a powerful way to build customer loyalty and ensure continued patronage from each valued customer. Whether you're working to increase customer satisfaction, looking to get useful customer feedback, or just develop healthy repeat business, a customer appreciation letter is a great way to let your loyal customers know that you’re grateful for their business.  

 We’ll discuss occasions where a professional thank you message is a great idea and offer a few best practices and possible language for use in your own letters. Feel free to use them as they are or adapt them however you see fit.


Reply to a Customer Thank You Email


If you’ve been in business for any length of time you’ve likely received thank you emails from customers. This happens fairly commonly when you provide exceptional service or when your product solves an intractable problem for your customers.  

 Customer thank you emails presents a perfect opportunity to respond with your own thanks in kind. And it’s one that shouldn’t be missed, as your customer is primed to read your customer appreciation letter in the most positive light possible.  

Whether you respond with your own email or something more formal is up to you. If you choose to mail something, consider using Simply Noted to automatically generate authentic-feeling handwritten letters that perfectly capture the sentiment you’re hoping for. 

Consider using this template as a basis for your note: 

Dear Michael, 

We were so pleased to get your thank you message. We work hard to deliver our customers the very best service, so it means a lot to hear that we were successful.  

You’ve been a customer for nearly three years now, and we can’t thank you enough for your loyalty. You are the reason we do what we do and we appreciate the continued opportunity to serve you. As always, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve your service further. Thank you again for all of your business over the years! 

Yours truly, 


Acme Company 

ALSO SEE - Not Sure The Best Way To Sign That Handwritten Card? Here’s Advice For Every Occasion!

A customer paying quickly.

Thank Your Customer For Fast Payments

Earlier we noted that customers were the lifeblood of any business, and while that’s true, it’s cash flow that keeps a business operating efficiently. So when you find a customer that consistently pays their invoices on time or early, it’s worth acknowledging them for it.

Not only will your customer appreciate you noticing their fastidiousness and responsibility, but the acknowledgment also will make it more likely that they’ll continue to pay early in the future, not wanting to disappoint you. 

Your customer appreciation letter could say something like this: 

Dear Danielle, 

You’ve been a valued customer of ours for many years now and we wanted to make certain you know just how much we appreciate your business. We also wanted to acknowledge your consistently prompt payments.  

We know that you’ve suffered a few rough patches, as all businesses do, and yet you’ve still managed to satisfy your invoices on time. Having dependable customers like you has helped our business tremendously during our difficult periods, so please know just how grateful we are for you. Thanks again! We look forward to many fruitful years in the future! 

With great thanks, 


Acme Company

ALSO SEE - Handwritten Business Letters: How They Can Help Your Business 


Send a Thank You For a New Business


New business relationships are a good excuse to send a customer appreciation letter. It could be that you landed a new small business account or maybe an existing customer made an exceptionally large purchase. New customers are particularly fertile ground for gratitude. A well-timed customer appreciation letter defines the relationship in positive terms right from the beginning, turning a new customer into a loyal customer. A thank you note for repeat business ensures your customer knows you recognize their contribution. When customers do your bottom line a favor it’s a good idea to show them your gratitude

 Make sure to include details about the transaction so that it’s clear you are sending your customer a personalized message and not just a stock thank you that every customer gets. This helps to build the business relationship. You can simply insert your own details into our sample letter.


You might structure your letter like this: 

Dear Larry, 

We wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your recent purchase. We really hope you enjoy the pop-up trailer. One of our employees has a similar model, and she and her family love to vacation with it. 

We know that you could have bought from any one of our competitors, but you chose us. For that, and all of your previous purchases, we wanted to say thank you. You’re a valued customer and we’ll continue to strive for the best customer service we can offer. If you care to share any future stories from the road, we’d love to hear them. Thanks again! 



Acme Company

ALSO SEE - Why Handwritten Notes Make People Feel Good


Send an End of Year Message to Customers

The end of the year is an excellent time to reflect on how much your customers have meant to your business. Coming out of Thanksgiving and heading into the holiday season, people are thinking quite a bit about what they’re thankful for.

You can send your customer appreciation letter on its own or as part of a holiday season card. Whichever option you choose, let Simply Noted do the heavy lifting. We’ll make sure your customers receive your thank you message beautifully. 

Here’s some sample language to use in your letter: 

Dear Danielle, 

Another year has come and gone and with it all of the excitement, hardships, and little victories that make life, and business, worthwhile. At this time of thanksgiving, we wanted to let our most valued customers know just how much we appreciate their continued patronage. 

We couldn’t have made it through another year without you. Your business gets us into the office in the morning, keeps us focused throughout our day, and provides a home to return to in the evening. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you all the best for the coming year. Happy holidays and happy new year! 

With gratitude, 


Acme Company

ALSO SEE - 10 Reasons You Should Send More Handwritten Letters

A pile of thank you cards.

Tips to Make Your Customer Appreciation Letters Even Better!

Saying thanks can go a long way in maintaining customer loyalty and growing your business. By following the tips below, you can create customer appreciation letters that are sure to please. And if you need a little help getting started, you'll be happy to know we've included four bonus customer appreciation letter templates at the bottom of this blog post.

  • Add a personal touch by using a handwritten note. A customer appreciation email isn't as effective at strengthening customer bonds as a heartfelt, handwritten thank you note. Handwriting is an authentic expression you can share from one person to another. The emotion feels genuine because the recipient knows how much time it took to handwrite the message. And with Simply Noted, you no longer need to spend that time. We've built a fleet of the most advanced handwriting robots on the market today. They use real ballpoint pens and our proprietary "Infinity" fonts to create automated handwriting that looks indistinguishable from the real thing. Connect your CRM and automation software to our servers and you can automate your customer appreciation letters to make certain you never miss an opportunity to build relationships. 
  • Include a small gift. Compound the force of your gratitude by sending a small token of your gratitude along with your customer appreciation letter. Not only with they appreciate the thought, they'll have a constant reminder of your company. 
  • Include details about why you're sending thanks. Don't leave it to chance. Make certain your customer knows why you're thanking them so that they can appreciate your sentiment. You don't want them puzzled about why they're suddenly receiving a thank you note. 
  • Make sure to say thank you for repeat business. Customers who have been with you for a while are vital to the success of your business, so make sure they feel appreciated. Whenever you're thanking long-time customers, let them know, even if you're contacting them for a different reason. 
  • Make sure your letter is well written and free of errors. Typos can quickly ruin an otherwise well-meaning message. Use spell check and, if possible, have someone else proofread your letter before you send it.
  • Consider sending different letters to long-standing customers and new customers. Tailor your language to make each feel special. This adds additional personalization to your customer appreciation letters and lets you speak to each customer tier where they are.
  • Timing is everything. Send your customer appreciation letters at key times throughout the year or after a major purchase to maximize their impact. And make sure they arrive shortly after the event, if any, that precipitated them. It does little good to thank your customers now for something they did three months ago. Not only may they have forgotten, but they also could take offense for your long delay.
  • Don’t forget to say thank you in person when you can! A handwritten customer appreciation letter is a wonderful way to share this most important emotion, but there's nothing quite like a sincere verbal expression of gratitude. When you can see a customer in person, be sure to share a hearty "thank you" with them!

4 More Customer Appreciation Letters You Can Use!

There are dozens of potential scenarios where you can express gratitude to help build your business. We can't possibly fit every way that thanking customers can benefit your future interactions, but we do have room for four more! By now you should recognize that sending customer thank yous is a good business practice. These additional note examples should help you in a wider variety of situations.

Thank Prospective Customers for Their Interest

There's a very good chance that you can convert prospects into new customers if you express true gratitude for the interest they took in your company. Send a thank you note to each new lead welcoming them to engage with you further. This warm welcome paired with honest gratitude paints a vibrant picture of the excellent customer service they can expect with your organization. 

Here's a sample letter to get you started. 

Dear Mr. Paulson,

Thank you so much for your interest in our company! We appreciate the time you took to come by our booth at the trade show and chat with us about your needs. Sharon and I will follow up with you next week to discuss the potential project further.

In the meantime, we just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for your time and for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We've been a leader in our industry for over 20 years, bringing unmatched professionalism to our customer base. We look forward to serving you in the future and hope you have a great day!

Best regards,


Acme Company

A person thanking someone for a referral.

Thank Your Loyal Customer For Their Referral

Referrals are a critical element in any business marketing plan. They're relatively inexpensive leads, and they grow geometrically. The better your service and the wider your market, the more referrals you'll receive. Your business can grow by leaps and bounds when "thank you" sits in the subject line or your email or parked prominently on the cover of your handwritten thank you note.

Thanking your customers when they pass your name on leaves them with a warm feeling toward you, increasing the chances they'll refer you in the future. Just be careful to give their friend or colleague the same level of service, lest your customer winds up with egg on their face.

Here's example you can use with most customers. Choose an appropriate closing to fit your business relationship.

Dear Hector,

Thank you for referring your associate to us. We truly appreciate it! It means a lot that you trust us enough to point new business our direction. We're happy to keep providing you stellar service and hope that you'll let others know how they can benefit, too!

We'll do our best to provide your colleague the same high level of service that you've come to expect from us. We know that your referral is a reflection of how you feel about our company, and we're honored to keep earning that trust year after year.

Thanks again, and have a great day!



Acme Company

Send a Customer a Coupon or Discount

A customer appreciation letter is the perfect opportunity to reward returning customers with a coupon or discount. If you’re looking to increase customer loyalty and get a more devoted fanbase, this is an excellent way to do it. You can offer a percentage off their next purchase or a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s something that will entice them to come back and see you again soon!

Make your discount easy to use so that more people take advantage of it. This will bring in new business while simultaneously spreading good cheer. It doesn't hurt that it brings your company to top-of-mind, creating further opportunities.

This this example on for size:

Dear Acme Customer,

Thank you for your continued loyalty to our company! We're happy to have you as a customer and appreciate your business. To show our appreciation, we're offering you a 20% discount on your next purchase! Just use the code THANKYOU20 at checkout and you'll receive 20% off your total order.

We hope you enjoy this little token of our appreciation and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Kind regards,

Janice Miller

Acme Company

Send a Sample of Your Product

If you manufacture or sell a physical product, it’s always a good idea to send a sample of that product to your best customers. This is an excellent way to show them that you appreciate their business and also get them excited about what you have to offer. It’s an old marketing trick that still works today!

You can send a sample of your product along with a thank you note or customer appreciation letter. This will show your customers that you’re thinking about them and that you want them to be happy with their purchase. It’s a great way to build customer loyalty and keep people coming back for more!

Dear Acme Customer,

Thank you for your continued loyalty to our company! We're happy to have you as a customer and appreciate your business. To show our appreciation, we're sending you a complimentary sample of our new product! We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Thanks again for your business!

Best regards,

The Acme Team

Someone expressing thanks with a handshake.

Sending Customer Appreciation Letters Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Getting these letters out to customers on a regular basis can be very challenging if you try and do it yourself. But you don’t need to. Simply Noted is here to help.

Simply Noted's automated handwriting machines with real ballpoint pens can do the work for you. Just send us your addresses and what you’d like your letters or cards to say and we’ll produce warm, handwritten cards sent out on time, every time. It’s like having an army of letter writers at your disposal. Give us a call to learn more. 

ALSO SEE - The Value Of Automated Thank You Cards In Business

Rick Elmore  Athlete  Corporate Sales  Entrepreneur