15 Ways to Say "We Appreciate You"

15 Ways to Say "We Appreciate You"
If you represent a business, you likely owe a debt of gratitude to quite a few people. What do we mean? Consider your customers. Without their loyal patronage, you wouldn’t be in business. How about your vendors? Some likely bend over backward to keep your business meeting your timing, quality, and pricing needs. Surely they’re due a bit of gratitude.
Showing your employees you appreciate their contributions helps with morale, providing positive feedback that can motivate them to work harder and smarter. Your strategic partners need a heartfelt message now and then, too. In truth, a little appreciation can go a long way with every person your company interfaces with.
But oftentimes, companies and their representatives have a tough time knowing how to best say “We appreciate you.” They get stuck before they begin and miss opportunities to build relationships and improve their standing with employees and customers. We’re here to help. Each simple phrase we've included below is a lovely way to tell the people important to your business where their goodness lie and say, "I appreciate you."
Approaching business from a place of gratitude can bring all manner of benefits in many different occasions. Saying “We appreciate you” helps build community, letting customers and employees know that they’re valued members of something larger than themselves. This desire to belong is deeply engrained in the human psyche, and when you feed that need with genuine gratitude, you lay the groundwork for long-term loyalty.
Your employees are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to feel valuable. They want to know their contributions are recognized. This leads to greater engagement — with their coworkers, customers, and job responsibilities — increasing overall productivity. In a 2019 report, the Global Happiness Council found that even minor improvements in perceived well-being can create a 10% productivity gain. From that perspective, saying “thanks” has an extremely high ROI.
Infusing appreciation occasionally also improves your retention numbers. You’ll hold onto employees longer and create a more cohesive workforce. Customers will likewise stick around longer while potentially increasing the amount of business they do with your company.
Consider how you feel when family members or a dear friend does a wonderful thing and acknowledges that you deserve recognition. The positive changes it makes in your life are available in your business relationships, too. Genuine recognition is a powerful motivator, and when you utter words of encouragement in a handwritten note, you're creating small gestures with a big impact.

There’s no wrong way to say, “We appreciate you.” (Just make sure what you write is grammatically correct.) Try these for yourself or build off of them to create novel ways to say “thanks.” Remember, too, that appreciation gifts can be the perfect complement to a handwritten thank you. Try a great example from this list.
1) “Thanks so much for the good work you do. Our company is built each day through the efforts of our employees, and you’ve been carrying more than your share for some time. Thank you!”
2) “We wanted to express our gratitude for your kind words and continued patronage. We value your loyalty more than you know and hope to keep working with you for years to come.”
3) “I appreciate you coming down to meet with us. We're forever grateful your business! Even with all the other options available to you, you choose us. We will work hard to prove that your loyalty is deserved.”
4) “You’ve been a vendor for over five years. This is a testament not to our loyalty but your consistent, high-quality service. We know service is a personal thing, and we appreciate you doing everything you can to provide us with the best value possible.”
5) “It’s been a crazy few weeks and you've had very little free time. We wanted to make sure you knew that all of your hard work is appreciated and paying off. You’re not required to put in overtime, and yet you do. We’re grateful for your continued commitment to the company.”
6) “Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for the large order you just filled. We know our deadline was extremely challenging, and yet you rose to the occasion and made it happen. Thanks for everything you do to keep our business.”
7) “We appreciate your recent purchase. We’ve been your partner for over five years now, and we hope to stay your provider of choice for the foreseeable future. You've been a great friend to the company. You’re the best!”
8) “We appreciate your hard work. We appreciate your unique perspective. We appreciate your attention to detail. In a word, we appreciate you! Thanks for everything you do.”
SEE ALSO: How To Write Thank You Letters to Your Customers

9) “Our business is founded upon a commitment to customer service, so it’s exciting for us to see that come to fruition with real-world customers like you. You’re the reason we do what we do, and we very much appreciate the chance to continue servicing your account. Thanks!”
10) “Your continued efforts on the Davidson account have added more value to the company than we ever thought possible. You've been so understanding through some difficult times. We appreciate your commitment to excellence and look forward to great things in the future!”
11) “Each year we like to recognize our most important customers. This goes doubly for you, our largest and oldest account. You’ve been there since the beginning, staying with us through a few rough patches. We appreciate your loyalty and pledge to keep winning your business year after year.”
12) “We appreciate the recent discount. We’re huge fans of your service and didn’t want to look elsewhere but couldn’t afford the rate we were paying. You stepped up and made a discount happen for us. In exchange, we offer our appreciation and continued business.”
13) “You’ve always been there for us, working in the background to ensure smooth operations. To say we appreciate everything you do doesn’t do it justice. Your efforts keep us in business, and we’re forever in your debt.”
14) “When we asked you to step up, you grabbed the challenge. When we needed you to put in extra time, you did without complaining. When the chips were down, you made the difference. Please know that your efforts are appreciated.”
15) “Too often, hard work goes unnoticed. Companies can be quick to point out deficiencies but are silent when things go to plan. We want to make sure that’s not us. You did something great, and we want to let you know that it’s appreciated. You’re appreciated, and you deserve it.”
Assorted Appreciation Quotes You Can Include
Sometimes, showing appreciation is best left to the wordsmiths of antiquity. If you have a hard time saying "I appreciate you," try using one of these appreciation quotes to fill your greeting cards with the highest appreciation possible.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." — Voltaire
"Saying 'thank you' is more than good manners. It is good spirituality." — Alfred Painter
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." — Melody Beattie
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. — G. K. Chesterton
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” — Willie Nelson
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” — Maya Angelou
“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.” — Robert Holden
“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.” — Kristin Armstrong
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward
“Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” — Brian Tracy
Bonus Ways to Say "Thanks!"
There are so many ways to show your customers and employees what their support means to you. You don't have to be great friends, and you don't need special occasions to send no strings attached gratitude. All you need is a full heart and the right wording.
16) "Looking at your desk you can see that we like to send flowers when an employee goes above and beyond. But on top of that we're sending our deepest appreciation. You do more than your best on a regular basis and we're thankful for your hard work."
17) "Thank you for all your hard work, we really appreciate it. You dedication to our cause helps our customers have a fuller life and more opportunities. We appreciate all the work you've put in and recognize that we're very lucky to have you. Please know that we appreciate you and are happy to have you on board."
18) "While the average worker does their eight hours and goes home, you consistently do more. You've thrown yourself completely into your service and we can't tell you enough how appreciative we are. We are grateful for the work you put in and we appreciate your efforts."
19) "It's really wonderful when we get to work closely with a client to create their desired outcome. It brings us as much joy as it does you, so we want to let you know how appreciative we are for the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate how open and honest your team has been. It has made our job so much easier that you're so willing to collaborate and I know we're all happy with the results."
20) "It's wonderful when you find a vendor that's just as committed to your success as you are. We're incredibly grateful that we've found that in you. You regularly go out of your way to ensure that our operation runs as smoothly as possible. We also appreciate your flexibility on pricing and terms. Your business allows ours to operate at maximum efficiency so we can't tell you enough how much we appreciate you."
21) "We wanted to thank you for being such a caring, supportive, and engaged team leader. We all feel you're looking out for our best interests while creating a culture that lets us all thrive. Your open door policy has been extremely helpful and we all feel there's never a time we can't come to you with questions or concerns. Thanks for everything you do!"
22) "There a business owners that are in it for themselves, and those that put their customers and employees before their own needs. You fall solidly into the latter camp. We're all so appreciative of your candor and your desire to help everyone the best they can be. You've created a wonderful company to work for and we all wanted to let you know how much we appreciate everything you do. Thanks from all of us!"
23) "We were going through our sales for this quarter and noticed how active you've been recently. We wanted to thank for for your commitment to our brand. We know you have a lot of options in the marketplace and we appreciate more than you know that you've chosen us. Thanks for the recent orders! We look forward to continuing our relationship in the future."
24) "We all wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your contributions to our team. You're always willing to come in early or stay late, doing whatever you need to do to make sure the job gets done. Because of your efforts, the rest of us shine even brighter, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being such a valuable team member. We can only hope to match your example. Thanks!"

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You’ll never again miss an opportunity to show a customer, employee, or partner the appreciation they deserve. Our handwriting machines create handwritten cards that are indistinguishable from the real thing. The results must be seen to be believed. Give us a try, and you’ll find yourself appreciating how easy handwritten communications can be.
SEE ALSO: How to Write Professional Thank You Messages for Different Audiences