10 Best Farewell Messages for a Coworker or Employee | Templates and Cards

10 Best Farewell Messages for a Coworker or Employee
With more than 4.2 million people quitting their job in 2021, you'll likely experience someone in your office leaving for a new job. Taking the time to send a farewell message is a great way to end your working relationship, especially since you might encounter them again in your professional life.
However, it can be challenging to know what to say in your farewell message. Whether you're trying to sculpt farewell quotes for coworkers, a touching farewell message to colleagues, or goodbye quotes for colleagues, finding the right phrases is key, Depending on your relationship with your goodbye wishes to coworker or employee, you might want to say something more casual or formal. You can consider writing a generic farewell message that you use with everyone. Still, there are also messages specifically for coworkers and employees who will be missed that will make a more significant impact. In this article, we'll cover the ten best farewell messages for a coworker or employee.
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Why Should I Send A Farewell Message?
Sending a farewell note to coworker or employee connections is the perfect way to end your working relationship. Maybe you're sending an emotional heartfelt resignation letter to boss. A farewell message to a colleague shows that you care about them and appreciate their time at your company, especially since it's possible they might run into each other again in the future.
Though it may seem unnecessary for coworkers or employees who weren't close with one another, sending a farewell message is still a courteous gesture that can leave a positive impression. "Good bye coworker" messages are a professional touch to any relationship. Thanking coworkers before leaving is also a common custom worth considering.
You Would Hope They Do the Same For You
It feels good to get recognized for your contributions to your peers. Consider how much it would mean to you to receive dozens of farewell messages from your compatriots. Your departing coworker likely feels the same. Do for them as you would hope they would do for you. Send a heartfelt send-off message.
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What Should I Include In My Farewell Message?
Your coworker leaving message should be personal and specific to your relationship with your coworker or employee. However, there are some general things you can include in your message:
- Thank them for their time at your company
- Express how much you'll miss them
- Wish them luck in their future endeavors
- Include a fond memory or anecdote about working with them if you want to include something a little more personal
- Include coworker get well message if they are leaving due to a medical concern.
Get Creative
You can also get creative and add unique touches to make your farewell letters to coworkers more memorable. For example, if you're close with a coworker or employee, you could write a letter that's more emotional in nature. You might even include farewell images for colleagues or add appreciation quotes for coworkers to help ease the transition. Get creative with the farewell captions for colleagues you choose.
If you're unsure of what to say in your farewell message, our templates and cards can help. In addition, we've created farewell colleague messages specifically for coworkers and employees who will be missed, so you can choose the one that best suits your relationship with them. Also included are farewell message to boss and going away coworker messages.
When Should I Send A Farewell Card?
Typically, you send a farewell message to colleagues on their last day of work. This usually accompanies a last-day celebration, which might include baked goods or a gathering to celebrate their time with the company. However, if it was an immediate departure or you won't get a chance to see them in person before they leave, you can also send a farewell message after they've left to show how much you and your team care.
Don't Wait Too Long
When a colleague finds a new job, you don't want to delay wishing them well. A few days is okay, but if you let it go too long, your best wishes will ring hollow. It will seem to your former colleague that you don't care enough to get your farewell letter out on time. This could damage your working and personal relationship. If you're management, remember that farewell letters make an excellent human resource investment because they improve morale.

10 Best Farewell Messages For A Coworker Or Employee
There are plenty of messages you could write on a goodbye card. You could either bring up a memory, wish them a successful future, or keep it short and simple. Before signing a card for your coworker or employee, you'll want to take a look at our list of the ten best farewell messages to find some inspiration. Here are samples of what do you day when a coworker is leaving. Remember that unless you're friendly with your coworker, funny goodbye quotes for coworkers might not be appropriate. Also remember that it's okay to include your personal email address if you'd like to try and stay in contact with your coworker. Adding your personal contact information isn't overstepping because the coworker is free to ignore it if they choose.
1) Thanks for your contribution and time at our company. I wish for nothing but success and fulfillment in your new position. Best of luck!
2) Working with you has been a pleasure. I know the next phase of your life will be full of growth and opportunity. I've heard your new company is a wonderful group of people. I'm so glad for you. Stay in touch!
3) Your contribution to our company is something that won't go unnoticed. Thank you again for everything! It's sad to see you leave, but I still wish you the best even though we'll be working at different companies.
4) What exciting and new opportunities lie ahead for you! I can't believe that you'll be leaving us so soon, but I know that you have exciting times ahead of you. Your support and management style guarantee success. Good luck, and make sure to keep in touch.
5) Life is about taking chances and seeing what the world has to offer. I wish you all of this in your next role. Thank you again for everything you did for the company and me!
6) I will never forget all of the great memories that we shared together. Your work here made a difference and will be remembered.
7) I'm so thankful for the time we've had together. It has been an honor to work with you. I wish you all the best in your next position!
8) Good luck to my favorite coworker. The only bright side is that maybe I'll finally be able to get some work done now without you to make me laugh all day!
9) Thank you for everything. I will truly miss your presence here. You contributed a lot to our company, and we're going to miss that knowledge!
10) Good luck with future endeavors. Keep in touch if you can!
SEE ALSO: 21 Thank You Note Messages For Your Boss

Need another sample farewell letter? Why stop at ten messages when there are so many other ways to wish someone well? If you worked with a wonderful person and you want to wish them continued success and a bright future ahead try a few of these goodbye message templates. When gathering messages, consider coworkers and friends quotes that you might include. Doing so can guarantee a favorable farewell response. Decide ahead of time whether to send serious or funny going away cards.
11) I'm so sorry to see you go! We made such a great team, but as you start this next chapter in your career I know that you'll find good luck at your new company, too. Best of luck to you!
12) It has been a pleasure working with you over the last few years. You were such a great boss. I'm sure your new job is an exciting opportunity that will bring you continued success in the years to come. Know that you'll be greatly missed by your dear colleagues.
13) So you're on to your new adventure! As much as I'm going to miss working with you every day I'm also excited for the next stage of your development. I hope your new company is a fun place to work and that your new coworkers are as happy to have you as we were. We hope you find such a wonderful group at your next job. Good luck!
14) I heard you're leaving the company! As much as that saddens me, we've made some sweet memories over the last few years, and so bidding goodbye to you is a bittersweet occasion. I hope your new challenge pushes your decision-making skills as consistently as we do because you're up to the challenge. You have all the support you need inside yourself!
15) Best wishes on this and all your future endeavors. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful colleague for your new coworkers. You certainly did for us! You've been a great employee so I bid farewell and wish you best of luck on your next adventure. On to your next fantastic team!
16) The past few years have meant a lot to all of us. It's been a pleasure working with you, and while we hate to say farewell, we know that you're moving forward to a new office, a new endeavor, and a new chapter in your life. So we won't say "goodbye". Instead we'll say "good luck!"
17) They say that great leaders are born not made, but I think it's safe to say you made yourself the best leader we've ever had. It has been an honor working with you. You've become a great friend over the past years, and the best colleague I've ever had. Good luck on your new journey.
Optionally, you can also use farewell quotes to say goodbye. These going away sayings for coworkers or goodbye quotes for coworkers can help to empower your farewell greetings. Using someone else's words, particularly someone famous, gives extra weight to your sentiments.
Messages for Employees
Employers should employ more formal language when bidding one of their staff farewell. It is a business communication after all. Treat your employee's departure with the same remove you might any official correspondence.
"I'm sad to see you leave but happy that you're following your dream. You've been an excellent employee over the years. I've really valued our collaborations and am really proud of what you and your team have accomplished. I wish you luck at every point in the round from here."
"I'm going to miss you and your amazing work ethic. You've been an integral part of our team and I know that you'll do great things in your next role. Thanks for everything, and I wish you the best of luck."
"We're really sorry to see you go but we know that this is the right decision for you. You've been a great member of our team and we've enjoyed working with you. We wish you all the best in your new venture."
"Thank you for your contributions to our team. You will be missed but we know that you have great things ahead of you. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors."
"It's been a pleasure working with you and I'm really going to miss your presence on our team. You're an excellent employee and I know you'll do great things in your next role. All the best to you."
"You will be missed but we wish you all the greatest success in your future endeavors."
"Thank you for being such an incredible part of our team. We're sorry to see you go but we know that this is the right decision for you. You've been a great member of our team and we've enjoyed working with you. We wish you all the best in your new venture."
How Can I Find A Farewell Card?
At Simply Noted, we have cards available for all types of situations and life events. For example, you can find a goodbye card for your coworker or employee and even write your own message inside.
If you're looking for something more personal, our custom greeting cards will be perfect for you. With our online custom card program, you can create a card that's unique to you and your relationship with the coworker or employee by uploading graphics or photos.
Simply Noted has the perfect farewell card for your coworker or employee, so be sure to browse our selection today. We can help with your farewell message to colleagues leaving the company.
Saying goodbye to a coworker or employee can be challenging, but it can be a lot easier when you find the right message to express yourself. Our templates and cards will help you find the perfect farewell message for your coworker or employee, so they know just how much you'll miss them. So be sure to browse our selection today!