Thank You Messages Examples and Wording Ideas

Thank You Messages Examples and Wording Ideas

Thank You Message Examples and Wording Ideas


Sending a thank you card is a great way to recognize a coworker, family member, or friend and show just how much you appreciate them in your life or for something specific they did for you. However, figuring out your thank you text in your thank you messages can be challenging, especially if you want to say more than a simple "Thank You" in your message

If you're finding yourself stuck on what to say in a thank you card, we've created a few ideas with this list of "thank you" sayings for cards that will help inspire your next message.

Why Do People Write Thank You Cards?

People write thank you cards for various reasons, from thanking someone for a gift to thanking them for their hospitality. However, most people write thank you cards because they want to express gratitude and appreciation for the person or thing that they received.

SEE ALSO:  How Do You Express Gratitude In Words?

A thank you card featuring lovely watercolor flowers.

The Six Components of a Thank You Card

People believe they aren't good at writing thank you cards or messages because they think their message has to be long and detailed. However, this doesn't have to be true! A short, sweet thank you goes much further than one that's lengthy but lacks substance (and can sometimes even come across as insincere). To get started, here are the six components that typically make up a thank you card or thank you notes.


First, you'll need to begin your thank you card with a greeting. A simple "Hello" or "Hey there!" will do the trick, especially if you're not too close to the person that's receiving your message. However, if they are someone who is important in your life or whom you know well, a warm and inviting warmth like "Dear ____" will make them feel appreciated.

Statement of gratitude

After your greeting, it's time to state your gratitude for the person or thing that you're thanking them for. Again, this doesn't need to be anything too fancy or detailed—a sentence or two is usually more than enough to get your point across. 

SEE ALSO:  How 365 Thank You Cards Will Change Your Life (and Your Business)

Include Any Heartfelt Thank You Messages

The next part of the message should include a personalized message that's specific to the person or thing you're thanking them for. For example, if you recieved thoughtful gifts, this is where you can explain how much it means to you and why. Likewise, if they helped you out with something, tell them how much their help meant to you.

Wrap It Up

Once you've included your personalized message, it's time to wrap things up with one final thanks. You can say something like "Thank you again for everything" or simply "I really appreciate everything ____ did."

Sign Your Card

Finally, don't forget to sign your name! While this might seem obvious, it's something that a lot of people forget to do.

SEE ALSO:  10 Best Employee Thank You Note Examples

A thank you card featuring attractively painted cactuses.

Top Thank You Messages and Wording Examples

Try these card/note wording ideas and thank you card sayings for your next handwritten thank you note. You can also find the perfect wedding thank you note wording.

Thank You Message Ideas For Gifts

  • I love it, thank you so much! 
  • Such a generous wedding gift. It's perfect, thank you.
  •  You really hit the nail on the head with this one, thank you. 
  •  I can't wait to use this. It's such a generous gift card. Thank you!   
  • This is such a thoughtful gift. I appreciate you, and the birthday money.

Thank You Message Ideas For Acts of Kindness

  • Your help was really appreciated, thank you! 
  •  I'm glad I could count on you, thank you. 
  •  Thanks for being there for me when I needed it most. 
  •  I don't know what I would have done without you, thank you! 
  •  You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much for your help!

Thank You Message Ideas For Favors

  • I can't wait to return the favor. Thank you! 
  •  This really means a lot to me, and I won't forget it. 
  •  Your help made a huge difference, thank you. 
  •  I appreciate all of your help with ____. I couldn't have done it without you!

Thank You Message Ideas For Coworkers

  • I'm forever grateful for your hard work and dedication. 
  •  I'm happy to be working with you. Thank you! 
  •  Thanks for being so helpful around the office lately. I really appreciate it. 
  •  I don't know what the office would do without your skills, knowledge, and dedication to our company. Thank you for everything!

Thank You Message Ideas For Your Professor/Teacher

  • I really appreciate all of your help. I couldn't have passed the class without you. 
  •  Thanks for being so understanding and helpful throughout this semester. I truly appreciate it. 
  •  Your advice was really valuable to me. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out. 
  •  Some teachers make a massive difference in the classroom and/or overall learning experience. If yours is one of them, be sure to let them know! 
  •  Well done again, professor ____. Your lessons are always so insightful and helpful! Thank you for everything that you've taught me this semester.

Thank You Message Ideas For a Friend

  • I had a great time, thank you for inviting me! 
  •  This was so much fun, thank you. 
  •  I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a thoughtful friend like you. 
  •  Thanks for always being there for me when I need it. I appreciate you so much.

Thank You Message Ideas For a Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Romantic Partner

  • I love what you bought me. Not only is it a generous gift, you knew it's exactly what I wanted. Thank you, Love! 
  •  This means so much to me, and I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being there when I need someone most. 
  •  Your thoughtfulness makes all the difference. Thank you. 
  •  I love you. Thanks for being my everything.

Saying Thanks After a Job Interview

  • Thanks so much for meeting with me. I hope I made a positive impression. 
  • I appreciate the chance to interview with you. I feel like my long job search brought me to you. 
  • It was such a blessing meeting with you today. Please let me know if there's anything else I can share that will help with your decision. 
  • I appreciate how professional you are. Your organization is just what I'm looking for.
An eclectic thank you card design featuring playful scribble shapes.

Longer Thank You Message Examples

Now let's expand our examples away from individual phrases. It's important to understand how all of the components of a thank you card come together. We'll see examples of our templates in action. 

Say Thanks for a Gift

When you receive a gift, it's good form to send a thank you note. Remember, don't wait too long! 

 Dear Brenda, 

 Thank you so much for the eBook reader! You know how much I love to read, and now the entire world of books is at my fingertips. Of course, given how thoughtful you are, it's no surprise that you found me the perfect gift. I really appreciate how well you know me. Thanks again! 

 You're the best! 


Giving Thanks for an Act of Kindness

If someone's done something nice for you, recognize them! It doesn't take very long and it helps spread goodwill. 

 Dear Aunt Jennie, 

 Thank you so much for your generosity. Your gift will really help me out as I transition into a new apartment. I'm so appreciative of your thoughtfulness and wish you all the best. 



Saying Thanks for Help While Wishing Someone a Happy Birthday

There's no reason you can't combine cards. I've you've been meaning to think someone close to you, what better day to recognize them than their birthday

 Dear Dad, 

 Happy birthday! Thank you so much for all your help this year. I really couldn't have done it without you. I hope you have a great day! You deserve more than anyone I know. 


 Your son Jon

Thanking Someone for Their Support

We all need help every know and then. Whether it's physical, financial, or emotional support, let them know how much what they do for you means to you. 

 Dear Dr. Patel, 

 Thank you doesn't seem like enough to say after everything you've done for me. Your guidance and support have meant so much to me. I really don't know how to thank you enough. I hope you know how grateful I am and that I'll always remember your kindness. 



Women in a job interview.

Saying Thanks for a Job Interview

After a job interview, it's important to follow up with a thank you note. This shows appreciation for the interviewer's time as well as reinforces your interest in the position. Don't just send a generic thank you note, if you want to thank the team and their leader, this is a good option.

 Dear Mr. Smith, 

 Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation and am very excited about the possibility of joining your team. I'm confident that I have the skills and experience you are looking for, and I would be a valuable asset to your company. Thanks again for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. 


 John Mclean

Saying Thanks for a Business Meeting

If you've had a productive business meeting, it's important to send a follow-up thank you note. This cements the relationships you've formed as well as shows your appreciation for the meeting itself. 

 Dear Ms. James, 

 Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. I really enjoyed our conversation and am excited about the possibility of working together. I'm confident that I have the skills and experience you are looking for, and I would be a valuable asset to your company. Thanks again for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. 


 Bill Spalding

Saying Thanks for a Promotion

If you've been promoted at work, it's important to send a thank you note to your boss. This shows appreciation for the opportunity as well as reinforces your commitment to the company. 

 Dear Mr. Johnson, 

 Thank you so much for promoting me to director of sales. I'm excited about the opportunity to lead the sales team and confident that we will be successful. I appreciate your faith in me and am committed to making you proud. Thanks again! 


 Steven Price

A wallet open, flush with cash.

Saying Thanks for a Raise

If you've been given a raise at work, it's important to send a thank you note to your boss. This shows appreciation for the raise as well as reinforces your commitment to the company. 

 Dear Ms. Prentice, 

 Thank you so much for giving me a raise. I'm excited about the opportunity to continue working for the company and confident that we will be successful. I appreciate your faith in me and am committed to making you proud. Thanks again! 


 Maggie Guster

Saying Thanks for a Personal Gift

If you've received a gift, it's important to send a thank you note to the person who gave it to you. This shows appreciation for the gift as well as reinforces your relationship with the person. 

 Dear Aunt Mary, 

 Thank you so much for the beautiful scarf you sent me. I love it! I can't wait to wear it. Thanks again, and I can't wait to see you at Christmas. 



Saying Thanks for a Favor

If someone has done you a favor, it's important to send a thank you note to the person. This shows appreciation for the favor as well as reinforces your relationship with the person. 

 Dear Joe, 

 Thank you so much for taking care of my car while I was out of town. I really appreciate it! I had piece of mind my entire trip knowing you were keeping watch. I owe you one. Thanks again, and I'll see you soon. 



Saying Thanks for a Reference

If someone has given you a reference, it's important to send a thank you note to the person. This shows appreciation for the reference as well as reinforces your relationship with the person. 

 Dear Mrs. Munson, 

 Thank you so much for being a reference for me. I really appreciate it! I think your credentials should earn me a good bit of credibility. I'll keep you updated on how everything goes. Thanks again, and I'll see you soon. 


 Hunter Krugman


Where Can I Find Thank You Cards?

Finding the perfect thank you card can feel overwhelming, especially with so many options to choose from. At Simply Noted, we make it easy to find the perfect card for your thank you message! We have the largest selection of thank you cards for any and all occasions. Whether it's a wedding, birthday party, baby shower, or just because, we have plenty of designs to choose from. 

 When you want to show your appreciation, make sure to say thank you with a handwritten note. It's the perfect way to show your gratitude and make the recipient feel special. With our suggestions, you can find the right words to say thank you for any occasion.