How Do You Express Gratitude In Words?

How Do You Express Gratitude In Words?

How Do You Express Gratitude in Words

Expressions of gratitude are myriad. You might shake someone’s hand, go in for a high five, or give the person a big hug. You should probably say something as well, but putting your gratitude into words can be considerably more challenging.  

 People often have difficulty expressing their emotions in a way that their recipients will appreciate fully. This isn’t a failing on their part. Emotions are visceral and immediate, while language is structured and cerebral. For many, it's easy to send a thoughtful gift but harder to send a thoughtful response. Making the two meet can be difficult, particularly if you're not a wordsmith. 

 Never fear! We here at Simply Noted have a lot of experience with gratitude. We create and send tens of thousands of automated, handwritten thank you cards for our clients every year, covering every possible situation. We can help you sculpt your words into the perfect expression of your appreciation.

SEE ALSO:  How to Express Gratitude Around the World


Before we get into concrete examples, let’s examine a few general guidelines for producing effective thank yous.

Be Specific

Don't leave your recipient wondering whether you got their gift of handmade Peruvian socks made it to you. Tell them specifically. Just as in everyday life, more information is better than less. Of course, this isn't to say you should send a gratitude journal. You don't need to include so much text your card becomes a book.

 Imagine that someone sent you a wedding gift, and your response said simply, “Thanks so much for the generous gift!” In your reader’s mind, there’s a chance that you’re thanking them for the wrong gift. Or maybe you forgot what their gift was, so you’re leaving a mention out. Either way, you look bad, and your recipient feels uncomfortable. This points to the need to write better wedding thank you cards and greeting cards generally. 

 Be respectful and put them at ease by qualifying why you’re expressing gratitude. While you’re at it, let them know why you’re so thankful. “I love the socks!” you might say. “It gets so cold in this house at night, and these keep my feet toasty warm. Thanks!”  When your gratitude letter is specific, more positive emotions are generated.

SEE ALSO:  Gratitude is a Business Strategy

A woman going to fist bump her friend.

Don’t Worry About Going Over the Top

When it comes to dramatic enthusiasm, the written word is more forgiving than speech. In person, you might sound a bit nuts shouting, “Thank you SO much for the kind gift! It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me! You’re the best!” You can write the same thing, however, and no one would bat an eye. That’s because your reader will interpret the words and hear them in their mind the way they prefer. Your recipient has more control over the message when it’s written as opposed to spoken. So engage with a gratitude meditation, and then feel free to be enthusiastic with your gratitude.

Send a Handwritten Card, Not an Email

We get it. Emails are quick and easy, whereas handwritten notes take time and require significant effort. This is exactly why handwritten messages are the better option. Your friend or family member did something nice for you. Don’t they deserve a little effort? If you take the easy way out, your thank you could feel disingenuous. 

 That said, there is a way to produce handwritten cards as easily as an email while still maintaining the benefits of the written form. Simply Noted uses sophisticated smart fonts and ballpoint pen-wielding handwriting machines to create the finest, automated handwritten cards.  

They're indistinguishable from the real thing, which means your recipients won't realize you took a shortcut. They'll feel appreciated, the full depth of your emotion, and you'll get your time back. That’s critical for businesses that send hundreds or thousands of thank you notes every year.

SEE ALSO:  How 365 Thank You Cards Will Change Your Life (and Your Business)

Two people smiling and chatting.


Enjoy this assortment of written thank yous. They can be used as-is or adapted to your purposes. Remember that there's never a right or wrong way to say thank you. Just be sure to personalize your expression of gratitude.

Expressing Gratitude for Help Given

If your recipient did a kind deed for you, you might thank them by saying:

  • “Thanks for always being there for me when I need you. Your kind words are the few moments I need each day to keep me centered.”    
  • I can't thank you enough for your generous help. Please keep me in mind if you ever need anything.”    
  • “I'm so grateful for your support over the last few months. I really needed someone in my corner, and you stepped up. Thanks for supporting the positive aspects of my life.” 
  •  “I asked a handful of people for help, and you were the one that showed up. Thanks for being you!” 
  •  “Your assistance is greatly appreciated. I know you probably would have rather been doing anything else, and yet you were there. Thanks!” 
  •  “You are so kind and selfless. I very much appreciate the aid you provided. You really are special to me.”

Thanking Someone For a Gift

  • “I can't believe you found my favorite sweater in red! Thanks so much for putting in the effort to find such a perfect gift.. I'll be sure to wear it the next time we see each other.”    
  • “Thanks so much for your generous gift. I'm forever grateful. I plan on putting the cash toward a much-needed new car. You're helping to get me back on the road!”    
  • “I didn't expect your kind gift, but it's very much appreciated. I'm flabbergasted that you remembered how much I like that artist. Your gift-giving skill is considerable! I'll cherish the print forever.” 
  •  “If you’d just sent a card, I’d still be thanking you for your consideration. The gift is just icing on the cake! Thanks so much for the new golf club. You know I’ll put it to good use.”
Two professionals greeting each other.

Saying “Thanks” in a Professional Setting

Businesses benefit from a culture of gratitude. A thoughtful note expressing sincere gratitude can be motivating for employees, customers, vendors, and more.  Here are a few ways to express gratitude professionally.

  • “We can’t thank you enough for meeting our delivery deadline. We know your people went out of their way to accommodate us, so please pass on our gratitude.” 
  •  “Please accept our gratitude for your recent order. It’s customers like you that make what we do worthwhile, so thanks from the bottom of our hearts.” 
  •  “Thanks for going the extra mile. You really came through when we needed it the most. You’re a great employee and an asset to the company.” 
  •  “Thanks for thinking of us with your recent opportunity. We know you have a few options in the marketplace, so we’ll endeavor to make you delighted with your decision.” 
  •  “We’re grateful for your recent referral. We pride ourselves on our customer service, so it means a lot to see that it’s making an impression on our customers.”