6 Thinking of You Message Templates

6 Thinking of You Note Examples
Are you interested in making someone’s day? Send them a “thinking of you” card! Your recipient’s face will light up with delight because this type of note is entirely unexpected.
People anticipate birthday cards on their birthday and thank you cards after a wedding, but when you tell someone you’re thinking of them with a handwritten card, it’s a wonderful surprise. The sentiment demonstrates how much you care because you took the time to craft a message just because. A personalized message like this makes the perfect thoughtful note for a thinking of you card.
But what should you write? That's the million-dollar question. Sometimes your words fall short and that heartfelt message alludes you. It’s one thing to know how special your thinking of you message will be to your recipients. It’s another thing to be able to express your thoughts effectively. Below, you'll find a few ideas — six thinking-of-you message templates that you can use to get your creative juices flowing.
While you’re at it, check out Simply Noted. We make handwritten notes and cards a breeze. Simply choose a card design, upload your message and mailing address, and our handwriting robots will scribe your cards using a real ballpoint pen and AI-powered smart fonts for a fully convincing handwritten illusion. It couldn’t be easier!

Have a friend you rarely get to see? Whether they’re a state away or halfway around the globe, a warm thinking of you message is just the thing to let them know they’re on your mind and you’re missing them. There are no right words, but you might say:
Dear Sam,
Hello, old friend! It’s been too long. I was driving to work yesterday, and the song you and Frida played at your wedding came on the radio. Instantly I was missing you all. What a great time that was! You and Frida never looked happier.
You two were always so kind to me and generous with your time. I wish we lived closer so that I could return the favor sometime. Maybe one day! In the meantime, know that I'm thinking about you guys and wishing we could get together. I hope you and the family are well! Wishing you all the positive influences you can find!
Your friend always,
For most of us, our families are the first support network we’re provided, and they remain lifelong sources of support, advice, and inspiration. If your family is important to you but less a part of your life than you'd like, send them a thinking-of-you message and reestablish your connection, and could serve as a nice pick-me-up for both of you. When thinking of a family member, you could write:
Dear Linda,
Hi! How are things down in sunny Florida? We’re doing well up here but feeling a bit blue as winter descends on us. I would love to come down sometime for a visit! We’ve been missing your jokes, your radiant smile, and your unbelievable chili. Those, along with the warm Florida air, are just what we need to snap out of our funk.
We probably don’t tell you this often enough, but you really do mean the world to us. You’re on our mind, even if just a little, most of the time. We need some Aunt Linda-time! Let’s talk soon and set up a vacation in the next free months. With all the luck at our disposal, we're sure to make it work!
Hope to talk to you soon!
Steve, Marie, and Janice

Long-distance relationships are never fun but sometimes a necessity. If your significant other lives at a distance or travels long-term for work, you’ll pine for them more than usual. Phone calls and text messages are one way to keep in touch, but nothing approaches the emotional authenticity of a handwritten thinking of you message. Consider something like:
Dear John,
God, I miss you! You've been in Japan for a month now, but it feels like an eternity. I think about you all the time. Sometimes I foolishly forget that you're out there, but then I remember how much fun we had before you left, and it all comes comes back to me like a million yesterdays. You're on my mind the moment I wake up, and I see you in my head as I fall asleep. I can't wait until August when you're back home for good! Sending you warm wishes and waiting for a million tomorrows to come. I miss you, Sweetie.
Thinking of our love always,
Thinking of you messages don't have to be overly sentimental. You're not sending sad news, after all. Sometimes humor is the most effective way to let someone know they’re on your mind. You could say:
Dear Mindy,
If I had a quarter for the number of times your face pop into my head on daily basis I wouldn’t be writing you this card. I’d grab my newfound gains and be on the first flight headed in your direction — traveling first class!
I’ve been wanting to reach out for a while but never get around to it. Please know that I think of you often and wish we could see each other more often. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. But don’t let it go to your head!
Love always,
SEE ALSO: When You Should Send Out Cards

Maybe you’re nervous about expressing your feelings and would prefer to let someone else’s famous words to the talking. Quotes are a great way to say what’s in your heart without having to say it directly. They can take your favourite thinking and put it to words. Here's one of our favorites:
Dear Billy,
You’ve been on my mind lately, but you know I’m not good with words, so I’ll let our favorite musician Henry Rollins carry the weight.
“Somewhere, someone is thinking of you. Someone is calling you an angel. This person is using celestial colors to paint your image. Someone is making you into a vision so beautiful that it can only live in the mind.”
That person is me, and you are my angel.
Missing you more than you could know,
It’s hard to stay in touch with everyone important to you. There are only so many hours in the day, and most are usually spoken for. To get back into communication with someone you’re sorely out of contact with, you might try these card messages:
Dear Hugh,
After college, we said we’d stay in touch forever. We haven’t been doing such a good job about that lately, and I miss you terribly as a result. Since you were on my mind today, I thought I’d take the opportunity to reach out and let you know I was thinking of you. Let’s talk soon!
Your friend whether we’re talking regularly or not,
SEE ALSO: Say Thank You in a Funny Way - 10 Funny One Liners Included.