Best Business Letter Template for Any Occasion

Business Letter Templates for Any Occasion
Unlike a card or a note, a letter is a full-page written document that is sent by post. Letters are frequently formal documents, and often have many functions: to introduce the sender and receiver, to provide information or instructions, to express gratitude or appreciation, etc. A business letter can be one of these types of letters: it could be a request for information, an offer, an apology, advice on how to proceed with a purchase order, or a confirmation of receipt of goods or services ordered.
There are also different kinds of business letters for different situations like cover letters, interview follow-up letters, business correspondence, and more. The following templates will help you write any type of business letter in no time at all!
SEE ALSO: 4 Formal Business Letter Samples

Best Practices for Producing Professional Business Letters
These tips will have you producing better letters quickly. Once you understand what makes a good business communication, read on to see these tips in action.
1. Write clear, concise sentences so the reader knows what you mean without confusion. Remember that business letters aren't social communications; each is intended for a specific purpose, and the more effectively they communicate that goal, the better. Clarity should trump every other concern. Make sure people know what you're trying to say!
2. Avoid writing too much. Try to communicate your point of view without unnecessary detail. As the amount of text in your letter increases, so do the opportunities for miscommunication. Try to provide just enough information to fully express the purpose of your letter without any embellishments.
3. Use formal language. Even if the person you are sending the letter to is someone you know personally or professionally, it's better to keep business letters formal. In a professional context, you'll run into few problems being formal when you could be casual than being casual when you should be formal.
4. Proofread your letter before you send it off! Don't let a silly spelling or gramatical mistake detract from the value of your letter. Read your letter out loud to make sure you don't miss anything. If you have access to a professional spell/grammar checker like Grammarly, use it with each and every letter you send.
SEE ALSO: How to Write an Opening to a Letter
5. Keep your business letters brief. If it's possible to communicate the letter's purpose in less than three paragraphs, try to do this instead of padding with extra information that isn't helpful or doesn't add anything new to what you've already said.
6. Be confident! Whether you're writing about company events, new policy changes, or expressing your gratitude, you should always be confident. The letter's recipient will treat your words more seriously if they know you believe in what you are communicating.
7. Personalize each business letter to the receiver. You may not always know the contact you're writing to. When that's the case, avoid salutations like "To whom in may concern." Take the extra time to research the person or company receiving the letter so that it has specific details about them and isn't just a general template. If you can find a name, use it. If not, refer to their position, something like "Dear Marketing Manager". Any specific referents you can find are better than nothing.
8. Be clear on how you want the reader to respond. If there's a specific action you want them to take after receiving your letter (e.g., "Please pay our invoice within 30 days"), clearly outline this request. The more specific you can be, the better.
9. Thank the reader for taking time to read your letter! This is a nice thing to do and will make them feel appreciated and valued as a business contact or individual working with your company. Make a habit of including at least a pinch of gratitude in every business letter.
SEE ALSO: How to Write a Conclusion to a Letter

Business Letter Templates for Any Occasion
Business letters have countless applications, far too many to mention in a single post. This selection covers some of the most common, those you'll use on a regular basis. Take these as a base and rewrite them as needed.
Business Reply Letter Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
Thank you for your interest in (Product/Service). We appreciate the opportunity to help you and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please know that we have taken steps to ensure this will not happen again. Our last shipment of (Product) has a new coating which prevents particles from coming loose, making it safe for transport. We hope that this alleviates your concern and will allow you to continue our business relationship without further issue.
(Company) has always valued the health and safety of its customers, whether it is in regards to food preparation or any other risk management practice. This is one of the reasons why we prioritize quality over quantity. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Letter Offering Employment Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
We are delighted to offer you the position of (title) here at (Company). We believe that you will be able to contribute your (accomplishments/skills) to our company and advance our mission. As part of our commitment to keeping our staff healthy, we provide a comprehensive health care package for all employees. This includes (health benefits).
(Company) looks forward to your joining our team and we hope you accept. We will provide you with further details at the appropriate time. Thank you again for your interest in (Company).
Customer Letter of Apology Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
On behalf of all of us here at (Company), I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with our product. We pride ourselves on using on the finest materials and cannot express how upset it makes the whole team when a customer is unsatisfied.
(Company) has taken steps to ensure this will not happen again by increasing funding to our quality assurance team. We have also changed suppliers to make sure the issue doesn't reoccur, and hope that you will give us another chance.
I hope you find the following credit sufficient enough to cover any inconvenience (Company) has caused you. Please contact me if you need anything else or if there is anything else I can do for you.
SEE ALSO: 5 Best Business Letter Salutations

Business Letter of Introduction Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I am writing on behalf of my client, (Client's name), who is looking to expand his/her business in your area and has been researching the possibility of opening a franchise there. I have enclosed his/her press pack, which I hope you will look over and get back to me with your thoughts.
(Client) has been in business for (number) years and prides itself on (attributes). Each new franchisee is provided with six weeks of hands-on training before opening day, as well as a comprehensive manual to follow after they begin operations.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you and I hope that we will be able to meet soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With respect,
Overdue Account Collections Letter Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
We have been trying to contact you regarding your account with (Company). As of today, we have not received payment and the account balance now stands at $xxx.xx. We understand that financial times can be difficult and we do not want to see someone lose their business over an overdue account. Please call me as soon as possible so we may work out a payment plan. We would much rather keep a customer than remove a primary source of income from a small business.
(Company) has been in business for (number) years and prides itself on its strong relationship with both new and existing customers. Our professional account managers will work with you toward any arrangement that is beneficial to both parties.
We are open from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday and would very much appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you. We hope that all of our customers can continue to count on us for their business needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Business Letter Requesting Donation Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I am writing on behalf of (Organization), a local nonprofit that has recently opened its doors in the community you reside in. We are hosting our first fundraiser event here in your area and would be thrilled if you chose to donate any of the following items:
- $50 donation toward gala tickets
- $100 donation toward our silent auction
I was hoping that we could arrange a time to meet so I can answer any questions you may have and give you more details about the event. Please let me know when would be the best time for such a meeting. Thank you very much in advance for your consideration and support of (Organization).
With esteem,
SEE ALSO: 7 Thank You Letter Closings

Failure to Honor Commitment Complaint Letter (B2B) Example
Dear Mr./Mrs. It was recently brought to my attention that you have failed to honor your commitment on the purchase of material for our organization.
On (date) you agreed to provide us with materials. However, our shipment has been delayed twice now due to a lack of availability. While I understand this delay is beyond your control, it has resulted in a significant loss for our organization. I am asking that you deliver the material ordered by (date) as soon as possible so that we may fulfill our commitment and receive payment from the client. If the material is not delivered by this date, I will be obliged to take further action.
I look forward to your prompt reply and resolution to this situation.
SEE ALSO: Written Letters Done For You | 5 Reasons to Let Us Write Your Letters
Letter Complimenting Vendor Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I would like to provide you with feedback on the exemplary service your company provided during our recent purchase of product from you. In all communication and correspondence, we were treated extremely well and received items as agreed upon within a timely manner.
I have been in this position for only six months now, but I have been working in the industry for over five years and have yet to receive such great service. Please pass along my thanks to your team for their hard work, and I hope we can continue doing business with you in the future.
Best regards,
Letter Requesting a Meeting Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I am writing this letter to request a meeting with you to discuss the issues that arose from our last conversation. I believe it would be beneficial for us both if we were able to come together and resolve these matters as quickly as possible.
I hope this is something that will work within your schedule, and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
SEE ALSO: How to Write a Professional Business Letter

Letter Agreeing to Open an Account Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I was pleased to receive your message today in which you agreed to open an account for (company name). It is always a pleasure doing business with reliable companies, and I am confident our relationship will be strong.
As agreed upon, please find attached the application form containing the necessary information for opening the account. Once submitted, we will review the form and make a decision regarding your account within two weeks.
I look forward to doing business with you, and encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
SEE ALSO: 25 Ways to End a Professional Letter
Letter of Recommendation Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
I am pleased to recommend (name) for the position of (position).
She is a dependable, hardworking employee who has always shown great initiative whenever given new tasks. I have not hesitated to delegate work to her, knowing she will complete it accurately and on time. She is also very willing to go the extra mile in helping out when necessary.
I am confident she has the necessary skills for this position, and am happy to provide you with further information about her any time. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.
Letter Declining Request for Service Example
Dear Mr./Mrs.
Thank you for your recent message regarding the possibility of representing our company at an external event. However, I regret to inform you that we will not be able to fulfill this request.
Unfortunately, the two teams large enough to handle your event are already committed on other projects. I will be more than happy to help you out in any other capacity, and suggest we schedule a brief meeting so I can better understand your needs. However, event support is regretfully unavailable.
I appreciate you taking the time to contact us and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
SEE ALSO: 35 Ways to End a Friendly Letter

Handwritten Business Letters are Coming to Simply Noted
Simply Noted is the industry leader in authentic, automated handwritten cards, and soon letters! In the coming months our advanced intelligent handwriting machines will turn their pens toward handwritten letters. With dozens of templates available, you'll be able to send convincing handwritten business letters to satisfy any need. Check back often to see our progress as we roll out this new service!