The Value of Automated Thank You Cards in Business

When was the last time you received personal, handwritten thank you cards from someone with whom you did business? Probably never. If you had, you would remember both the card and the company that sent it.
































































































































































































































































The average American household received only 10 pieces of personal mail during the entire year in 2017.  Personal mail stands out, and with it, so can your business.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why Are Thank You Cards Good Marketing Strategy?

Any good brand knows that its clients and customers come first. A personal, handwritten note is unusual, and the norm tends to be ecard thank you notes (if any at all). That’s why a handwritten note can help you outshine the competition. Personal mail demonstrates that you prioritize your clients. When you take the time to make a nice gesture towards your clients, they’ll remember you and your business for thoughtfulness and attention to detail.
































































































































































































































































A handwritten thank you card speaks volumes more than mere advertising.  People open hand-addressed cards 99% of the time. The attentive nature of this gesture increases customer loyalty, which draws repeat business.
































































































































































































































































This great strategy leaves a lasting impression on your clients. When they need services several months later, they will remember your kindness. You will be the first business they call. 
































































































































































































































































The response rate for handwritten cards is 8-20%. That is four times as effective as direct mail. The reason is that for every 100 handwritten cards mailed, only one is thrown away without being opened.
































































































































































































































































Craft a meaningful thank you card or letter with Simply Noted, the scalable handwriting service that will write and send your notes.
































































































































































































































































Why Not Use Email?

send automated thank you cards
































































































































































































































































The average office employee receives more than 120 emails every day. That makes it easy for your email to get lost in the shuffle or simply deleted due to inbox overload.
































































































































































































































































Emai marketing campaigns have an average open rate of only 22.7%.  The response rate is a mere 2.69%. On average, for every $1 spent on email campaigns the return is only $38.
































































































































































































































































The majority of people communicate through electronic and social media. They send text messages, interact on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Email.  After putting extensive work into your business communication, you do not want the end product to look like 200 other emails in their inbox that will eventually get deleted.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tips for Sending a Business Thank You Card

Send business thank you cards automatically
































































































































































































































































Long-term business success and peace of mind stem from building authentic relationships with your customers. The goal of the business thank you card is to make a personal connection.
































































































































































































































































Be Specific

The success of your thank you note begins with uniqueness. The rarity of personal mail makes it stand out in the client's mind. The key is to carefully lay out the contents of the note so it makes the client feel important.
































































































































































































































































Your note must focus on the customer, not your business. Include information that is personal to your interactions with them. The card should remind them of the time spent with you. They should feel like they are reliving that handshake, smile, and maybe a good laugh that you shared together.
































































































































































































































































Maybe you both like the same football team, eat at the same restaurant, or like vacation spots that are similar. Whatever it is that made your conversation with them unique should be included in the card.
































































































































































































































































Be Prompt

It is important to send a thank you note promptly. It should be mailed within 1-2 days of the meeting. Be specific about what you are thanking the person for. 
































































































































































































































































Be Personal

Make it personal. You do not want it to sound like it could have been sent to 10 other people using the same wording. A properly formatted thank you card will make you stand out as a more polished professional than your competitors.
































































































































































































































































Get started writing a personal thank you card with Simply Noted.
































































































































































































































































When Do I Send a Business Thank You Note?

There are numerous times throughout the year when you can send a thank you card to your client. Thank you cards should be sent out at the right times to increase the chances of viewership. The note also provides an opportunity to slide in some simple marketing. Just remember to keep the main focus on the customer, not your business.
































































































































































































































































During the Selling Process

The first opportunity you have to make an impression is to confirm a sales appointment. If scheduled far enough into the future, you can write a note thanking them for setting up a time to meet. Confirm the date and time by letting them know you look forward to meeting them that day.
































































































































































































































































After the sales call, send a thank you card within 1-2 days. Address it to all the persons who attended the meeting, not just the person who scheduled. Thank them for their time meeting with you, and give them your contact information in case they have any questions.
































































































































































































































































After the Sale

You will want to send a thank you card for their business after the sale. Send this no matter how large or small the sale was. It is another opportunity to put your company in their mind and might generate future business. Again, provide your contact information in case they have any questions.
































































































































































































































































You will certainly want to let them know how much you appreciate their trust in your service if they send you a referral. This is important even if the referral did not make a purchase. The fact that you show appreciation for their consideration will be remembered.
































































































































































































































































Don't take advantage of the quick and easy sale of a repeat customer. Send a thank you to let them know you appreciate their continued loyalty to your company. It doesn't matter whether the sale is $1 or $100,000.  This is another opportunity to solidify your business relationship.
































































































































































































































































Any other special occasion is the perfect time to send a personal card. This could be for a birthday or anniversary. If you learn they have received a promotion at work, recently retired, or have their first grandchild. Any area of their lives where you can make a connection and stay on their mind is a good step in solidifying business.
































































































































































































































































You can include a coupon flyer, notice of future promotions, a customer referral form, or a customer satisfaction survey. Just be sure to minimize your marketing materials and focus on what really matters: connecting with your clients.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why Send Automated Thank You Cards?

Send automated thank you notes
































































































































































































































































The benefit of automation is it can handle monotonous tasks so you don't have to.  It can be time-consuming and cost-prohibitive to send out handwritten mailings on a regular basis. Typing is faster, but it eliminates the personal effect of a handwritten message.
































































































































































































































































Computer software today can assist us with scheduling, managing messages, performing backups and recovery, and more. By using automation you can reduce company costs, increase productivity, and utilize performance reliable systems.
































































































































































































































































Technology has taken us to the next level. You can choose from a wide selection of card stock, create your own message, and personalize each card you need. All you need to do is provide us a list of your contacts, and we’ll take care of everything else - including mailing.
































































































































































































































































You can scan your own writing or select from an assortment of handwriting styles.
































































































































































































































































An automated handwriting service uses handwriting robots to prepare handwritten personalized notes. The robots create notes using a real ballpoint pen.
































































































































































































































































Write to All Your Contacts at Once

To make writing even simpler, automated thank you notes can be processed in bulk. Simply Noted even offers a bulk purchase template that can be downloaded. You enter your client information such as name and business, and a customized message will be created and sent to each individual or business on your list.
































































































































































































































































This advanced method of real-time communication combines the efficiency of technology with the joy of a personal touch. After we create your note, it goes into a hand-addressed envelope. The production and shipment of every order is handled for you.
































































































































































































































































Move Your Business to the Next Level

Send automatic thank you letters
































































































































































































































































Integrate handwritten thank you cards into your business with the help of sales automation. Customized thank you cards will boost your business without costing you or your staff hours of time handwriting notes. Productivity is a benefit of automation.
































































































































































































































































Greater response to mailings and customer loyalty are important to business success. Good business is taking the time to establish meaningful relationships with clients and show them you care. Get started with Simply Noted to move your business to the next level with automated, handwritten thank you cards.