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API Docs

By using this API you will have full access to the same range of features found in our apps and website.


The production API can be found at: https://api.simplynoted.com/api

The test API can be found at https://testapi.simplynoted.com/api

All endpoints listed in this documentation refer to those base URLs and build off them. For example, the orders endpoint "/orders" can be found at the endpoint:https://api.simplynoted.com/api/orders


2.1. Retrieve Auth Token

Description: Simply Noted uses API keys as bearer tokens to allow access to the API. You can get your API key from the  Account  page under "Account Details". Simply Noted expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following: Authorization: Bearer TOKEN


3.1. Create A User

Description: Users are created through the Simply Noted website. To create an account go to https://simplynoted.com/account/register.


4.1. Get Standard Cards

Description: This endpoint gets all standard cards and returns the id, title, and image URL.

Endpoint: /products

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

Returns on success:

"result": [
  "id": 4392451768425,
  "title": "Cactus Thank you",
  "image": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/Cactus-Thank-You.jpg?v=1574659292"
  "id": 4392452522089,
  "title": "Cactus Thanks So Much",
  "image": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/Cactus-Thanks-So-Much.jpg?v=1574659363"
  "id": 4442013139049,
  "title": "Dark Red Holiday Card",
  "image": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/Red.HolidayCard.jpg?v=1576524937"
"errors": []

4.2. Get All Custom Cards

Endpoint: /customProducts


This endpoint will retrieve a list of custom cards, returning up to 200 cards for each call.

Method URL Parameters
GET https://api.simplynoted.com/api/customProducts?offset=0 offset – Default/Initial value = 0. You will get the next offset value, if any, in response as nextOffset if moreProducts is true. If moreProducts is false, nextOffset will not be returned.

Response Sample


"result": { 

        "products": [ 


            	"id": 7050968727657, 

            	"title": "double click", 

            	"image": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/1696329730810.png?v=1696329732", 

            	"type": "customisable card", 

            	"createdAt": "2023-10-03T03:42:12-07:00", 

            	"updatedAt": "2023-10-03T03:42:13-07:00" 



        "nextOffset": 200,  

       "moreProducts": true 


"errors": [] 


4.3. Get Specific Custom Cards

This procedure returns details on one or more custom cards.

Example: /customProducts?productIds=7036997894249,7036977578089,7036976889961

Where the IDs are existing custom card IDs separated by commas.

4.4. Create Custom Card

Note: The old endpoint, /createcustomcard, and its associated endpoint, /uploadPDF, have been replaced with a single new endpoint: /createcard. The old endpoints will remain usable until November 1, 2023, at which point they will be retired. We strongly recommend you switch to the new endpoint, /createcard. As well, we have released a new endpoint /modifycard, which will allow you to call an existing flat custom card, change the header and/or footer and save the result as a new custom card.

Description: This endpoint creates a new Custom Card and returns card details.

Endpoint: /createCard

Method: POST


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type/Values Required? Example
cardName String Yes "Happy Birthday"
cardType String Yes “flat5x7” / “folded5x7”
frontImage File Yes
isHeaderIncluded Boolean Yes True
isFooterIncluded Boolean Yes true
header String Yes {"isImage": true}
footer String Yes {"data": "Yours Sincerely","textAlign": "left","justifyContent": "center","flexDirection": "column","fontType": "Courier New","fontSize": 30,"fontColor": "rgb(255, 0, 0)","zoom": "1","isImage": false}
headerImage File No
footerImage File No
backImage File No

Returns on success:

    "result": { 
        "product": { 
            "id": 7046027575401, 
            "title": "Testing Cards", 
            "body_html": null, 
            "vendor": "SimplyNoted", 
            "product_type": "customisable card", 
            "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
            "handle": "testing-cards", 
            "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:29-07:00", 
            "published_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
            "template_suffix": null, 
            "published_scope": "web", 
            "tags": "customise_card", 
            "status": "active", 
            "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Product/7046027575401”, 
             "images": [ 
                    "id": 30856642232425, 
                    "product_id": 7046027575401, 
                    "position": 1, 
                    "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "alt": "front_img", 
                    "width": 495, 
                    "height": 350, 
                    "src": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/1694611344453.jpg?v=1694611348", 
                    "variant_ids": [], 
                    "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductImage/30856642232425" 
            "image": { 
                "id": 30856642232425, 
                "product_id": 7046027575401, 
                "position": 1, 
                "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                "alt": "front_img", 
                "width": 495, 
                "height": 350, 
                "src": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0275/6457/2777/products/1694611344453.jpg?v=1694611348", 
                "variant_ids": [], 
                "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductImage/30856642232425" 
    "errors": [] 



  "cardName": "Happy Birthday", 

  "cardType": "flat5x7", 

  "frontImage": , 

  "isHeaderIncluded": true, 

  "isFooterIncluded": true, 

  "header": { 

     "isImage": true 


  "footer": { 

    "data": "Yours Sincerely", 

    "textAlign": "left", 

    "justifyContent": "center", 

    "flexDirection": "column", 

    "fontType": "Trebuchet MS", 

    "fontSize": 20, 

    "fontColor": "rgb(0, 0, 255)", 

    "zoom": "1", 

    "isImage": false 


  "headerImage": , 

  "footerImage": , 

  "backImage": , 



Status Errors
400 cardType, cardName & frontImage are required fields
400 headerImage is required when header has isImage true
400 footerImage is required when footer has isImage true
400 For flat cardType, isHeaderIncluded, isFooterIncluded, header, and footer are required fields

4.5. Modify Custom Card

Description: This endpoint creates and saves a new modified Custom Card and returns card details.

Endpoint: /modifyCard

Method: POST


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type/Values Required? Example
originalCustomCardID String Yes 7046020595817
cardName String Yes "Happy Birthday Modified 1a"
isHeaderIncluded Boolean Yes True
isFooterIncluded Boolean Yes true
Header String Yes {"isImage": true}
footer String Yes {"data": "Yours Sincerely","textAlign": "left","justifyContent": "center","flexDirection": "column","fontType": "Courier New","fontSize": 30,"fontColor": "rgb(255, 0, 0)","zoom": "1","isImage": false}
headerImage File No
footerImage File No

Returns on success:

    "result": { 
        "product": { 
            "id": 7046027575401, 
            "title": "Testing Cards", 
            "body_html": null, 
            "vendor": "SimplyNoted", 
            "product_type": "customisable card", 
            "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
            "handle": "testing-cards", 
            "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:29-07:00", 
            "published_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
            "template_suffix": null, 
            "published_scope": "web", 
            "tags": "customise_card", 
            "status": "active", 
            "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Product/7046027575401", 
            "variants": [ 
                    "id": 40730910490729, 
                    "product_id": 7046027575401, 
                    "title": "2 - 500", 
                    "price": "4.35", 
                    "sku": "", 
                    "position": 1, 
                    "inventory_policy": "deny", 
                    "compare_at_price": null, 
                    "fulfillment_service": "manual", 
                    "inventory_management": null, 
                    "option1": "2 - 500", 
                    "option2": null, 
                    "option3": null, 
                    "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "taxable": true, 
                    "barcode": null, 
                    "grams": 0, 
                    "image_id": null, 
                    "weight": 0, 
                    "weight_unit": "lb", 
                    "inventory_item_id": 42829245382761, 
                    "inventory_quantity": 0, 
                    "old_inventory_quantity": 0, 
                    "requires_shipping": true, 
                    "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/40730910490729" 
                    "id": 40730910523497, 
                    "product_id": 7046027575401, 
                    "created_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "updated_at": "2023-09-13T06:22:28-07:00", 
                    "inventory_item_id": 42829245415529, 
                    "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/40730910523497" 
                    "id": 40730910556265, 
                    "product_id": 7046027575401, 



  "cardName": "Happy Birthday Modified 1a", 

  "originalCustomCardID": "123123213123", 

  "isHeaderIncluded": true, 

  "isFooterIncluded": true, 

  "header": { 

    "isImage": true 


  "footer": { 

    "data": "Yours Sincerely", 

    "textAlign": "left", 

    "justifyContent": "center", 

    "flexDirection": "column", 

    "fontType": "Trebuchet MS", 

    "fontSize": 20, 

    "fontColor": "rgb(0, 0, 255)", 

    "zoom": "1", 

    "isImage": false 


  "headerImage": , 

  "footerImage": , 



4.6.Delete Custom Cards

DELETE - /delete-custom-card?productId=7072904347753,7073022279785,123456789000

This endpoint can be used to delete one or more custom cards belonging to the user.

Method URL Parameters
DELETE /delete-custom-card?productId=7072904347753,7073022279785,123456789000 productId - productId contains ID(s) of the card(s) to be deleted.

Response Sample


"result": { 

    	"successfulDeletions": [ 




    	"failedDeletions": [ 




"errors": [] 


5. Orders

5.1. Create An Order

Description: This endpoint creates an Order. If any required properties are missing an error will be returned.

Endpoint: /orders

Method: POST


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type Required? Example
productId String Yes "4392452522089"
giftVariantId String No "39532031672425" (Note: See below for more)
handwritingStyle String Yes "Tarzan"
customMessage String Yes "This is my custom message.
Use a hard return for a new line."
signoff String No "Yours Sincerely,
shippingDate String No "01/01/2020"
returnAddressId String No "ID_OF_RETURN_ADDRESS"
returnAddress Object<Return Object> Yes See Below
recipientData Array<Recipient Object> Yes See Below

Recipient Object:

Key Type Required? Example
FirstName String Yes "John"
LastName String Yes "Appleseed"
Email String No "john@simplynoted.com"
Phone String No "+15555551234"
Address String Yes "123 S Street"
Address 2 String No "Suite 100"
City String Yes "Metropolis"
State String Yes "Smallville"
Country String No "USA"
Zip String Yes "12345"
Company String No "ACME, Inc."
Custom 1 String No "My custom value"
Custom 2 String No "Another Ccustom value"
Custom 3 String No "And A third"

Return Object:

Key Type Required? Example
firstName String Yes "John"
lastName String Yes "Appleseed"
businessName String No "ACME Inc"
address1 String Yes "123 W Elm Street"
address2 String No "Unit 123"
city String Yes "Metropolis"
state String Yes "Texas"
zip String Yes "12345"
country String Yes "United States"

Returns on success:

"result": "Order created.",
"errors": []


"handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message",
"signoff": "Yours Sincerely",
"shippingDate": "",
"recipientData": [
  "First Name": "John",
  "Last Name": "Appleseed",
  "Address": "123 S Street",
  "Address 2": "",
  "City": "Metropolis",
  "State": "Smallville",
  "Zip": "12345",
  "Phone": "+15555551234",
  "Email": "john@simplynoted.com",
  "Company": "ACME, Inc.",
  "Custom 1": "",
  "Custom 2": "",
  "Custom 3": "",

Types of Gift Cards:

  1. Starbucks Gift Card
  2. Variant ID
    $5 for $7.95 "39532032786537"
    $10 for $12.95 "39532032819305"
    $25 for $27.95 "39532032852073"
    $50 for $52.95 "39532032884841"
  3. Amazon Gift Card
  4. Variant ID
    $10 for $12.95 "39532031672425"
    $25 for $27.95 "39532031705193"
    $50 for $52.95 "39532031737961"
  5. Visa Gift Card
  6. Variant ID
    $25 for 29.95 "39532033146985"
    $50 for 57.95 "39532033179753"
    $100 for 108.95 "39532033212521"
  7. Home Depot Gift Card
  8. Variant ID
    $25 for $27.95 "39532029378665"
    $50 for $52.95 "39532029411433"
    $100 for $102.95 "39532029444201"
    $200 for $202.95 "39532029476969"
  9. Lowe’s Gift Card
  10. Variant ID
    $25 for $27.95 "39532032262249"
    $50 for $52.95 "39532032295017"
    $100 for $102.95 "39532032327785"
    $200 for $202.95 "39532032360553"

5.2. Get Orders

Description: This endpoint gets all orders in the account.

Endpoint: /orders/customer/?offset=0&status=any&fulfillment_status=shipped

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type Required? Example
offset Number Yes 0 This call will pull up to 200 orders starting with the most recent. The initial call should use 0 as the offset. In the return, you will see: moreOrders: “true/false” If true, then there are more orders to fetch. You will also see: nextOffset “200” (This gives you the correct offset for the following call.)
status String No Filter orders by their status. status => default = open open: Show only open orders. closed: Show only closed orders. cancelled: Show only cancelled orders. any: Show all orders, including archived orders.
fulfillment_status String No Filter orders by their fulfillment status. fulfillment_status => default =any any : Show orders of any fulfillment status. shipped : Show orders that have been shipped. Returns orders with fulfillment_status of fulfilled. partial : Show partially shipped orders. unshipped : Show orders that have not yet been shipped. Returns orders with fulfillment_status of null. unfulfilled : Returns orders with fulfillment_status of null or partial.

In response you will get

 "nextOffset": 200, 
 "moreOrders": true 

IF moreOrders is true, then call the API again with the nextOffset value 
IF moreOrders is false, there are no further orders to fetch.  

Returns on success:

"result": { 

    "orders": [ 


        "id": 5465230180457, 

        "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Order/5465230180457", 

        "app_id": 3648771, 

        "browser_ip": "", 

        "buyer_accepts_marketing": true, 

        "cancel_reason": "other", 

        "cancelled_at": "2023-09-25T22:00:48-07:00", 

        "cart_token": null, 

        "checkout_id": 29872277979241, 

        "checkout_token": "db80c9ab5c816b51384d10177724dca7", 

        "client_details": { 

          "accept_language": null, 

          "browser_height": null, 

          "browser_ip": "", 

          "browser_width": null, 

          "session_hash": null, 

          "user_agent": null 


        "closed_at": null, 

        "confirmed": true, 

        "contact_email": "fabprojectmanager@gmail.com", 

        "created_at": "2023-09-25T21:39:16-07:00", 

        "currency": "USD", 

        "current_subtotal_price": "12.95", 

        "current_subtotal_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "current_total_discounts": "4.75", 

        "current_total_discounts_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "4.75", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "4.75", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "current_total_duties_set": null, 

        "current_total_price": "12.95", 

        "current_total_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "current_total_tax": "0.00", 

        "current_total_tax_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "customer_locale": "en-US", 

        "device_id": null, 

        "discount_codes": [], 

        "email": "fabprojectmanager@gmail.com", 

        "estimated_taxes": false, 

        "financial_status": "pending", 

        "fulfillment_status": "restocked", 

        "gateway": "manual", 

        "landing_site": null, 

        "landing_site_ref": null, 

        "location_id": 34513649769, 

        "merchant_of_record_app_id": null, 

        "name": "#31323", 

        "note": null, 

        "note_attributes": [], 

        "number": 30323, 

        "order_number": 31323, 

        "order_status_url": "https://simplynoted.com/27564572777/orders/305b8acc44d846ef3fb89e38d53a7644/authenticate?key=feae732fdbe3984a06bff362dff8b89e", 

        "original_total_duties_set": null, 

        "payment_gateway_names": [ 



        "phone": null, 

        "presentment_currency": "USD", 

        "processed_at": "2023-09-25T21:39:15-07:00", 

        "processing_method": "manual", 

        "reference": "c899c33646d351c09ccd4a1f9befad79", 

        "referring_site": null, 

        "source_identifier": "c899c33646d351c09ccd4a1f9befad79", 

        "source_name": "3648771", 

        "source_url": null, 

        "subtotal_price": "12.95", 

        "subtotal_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "tags": "", 

        "tax_lines": [], 

        "taxes_included": false, 

        "test": false, 

        "token": "305b8acc44d846ef3fb89e38d53a7644", 

        "total_discounts": "4.75", 

        "total_discounts_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "4.75", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "4.75", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "total_line_items_price": "17.70", 

        "total_line_items_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "17.70", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "17.70", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "total_outstanding": "12.95", 

        "total_price": "12.95", 

        "total_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "12.95", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "total_shipping_price_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

            "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "total_tax": "0.00", 

        "total_tax_set": { 

          "shop_money": { 

            "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 


          "presentment_money": { 

 	       "amount": "0.00", 

            "currency_code": "USD" 



        "total_tip_received": "0.00", 

        "total_weight": 0, 

        "updated_at": "2023-09-25T22:00:48-07:00", 

        "user_id": null, 

        "customer": { 

          "id": 6232622891113, 

          "email": "fabprojectmanager@gmail.com", 

          "accepts_marketing": true, 

          "created_at": "2023-04-16T01:45:26-07:00", 

          "updated_at": "2023-09-26T05:29:21-07:00", 

      	"first_name": "Pradeep", 

          "last_name": "singh", 

          "state": "enabled", 

          "note": "", 

          "verified_email": false, 

          "multipass_identifier": null, 

          "tax_exempt": false, 

          "phone": null, 

          "email_marketing_consent": { 

            "state": "subscribed", 

            "opt_in_level": "single_opt_in", 

            "consent_updated_at": "2023-04-16T01:45:27-07:00" 


          "sms_marketing_consent": null, 

          "tags": "packageper_40, package_250, subscribe_team", 

          "currency": "USD", 

          "accepts_marketing_updated_at": "2023-04-16T01:45:27-07:00", 

          "marketing_opt_in_level": "single_opt_in", 

          "tax_exemptions": [], 

          "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Customer/6232622891113", 

          "default_address": { 

            "id": 8262169165929, 

            "customer_id": 6232622891113, 

            "first_name": "Hiteshi", 

            "last_name": "Sharma", 

        "company": null, 

            "address1": "ewfefwf", 

            "address2": null, 

            "city": "wwwwew", 

            "province": "Florida", 

            "country": "United States", 

            "zip": "32030", 

            "phone": null, 

  	      "name": "Hiteshi Sharma", 

            "province_code": "FL", 

            "country_code": "US", 

            "country_name": "United States", 

            "default": true 



        "discount_applications": [ 


        	"target_type": "line_item", 

            "type": "manual", 

            "value": "3.25", 

            "value_type": "fixed_amount", 

            "allocation_method": "each", 

            "target_selection": "explicit", 

            "title": "Free", 

            "description": "Custom discount" 



            "target_type": "line_item", 

            "type": "manual", 

            "value": "3.25", 

            "value_type": "fixed_amount", 

            "allocation_method": "each", 

            "target_selection": "explicit", 

            "title": "Free", 

            "description": "Custom discount" 



        "fulfillments": [], 

        "line_items": [ 


            "id": 13453403390057, 

            "admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/13453403390057", 

            "fulfillable_quantity": 1, 

            "fulfillment_service": "manual", 

            "fulfillment_status": "restocked", 

            "gift_card": false, 

            "grams": 0, 

            "name": "Hello! - 1 -99", 

            "price": "3.25", 

            "price_set": { 

              "shop_money": { 

                "amount": "3.25", 

                "currency_code": "USD" 


              "presentment_money": { 

                "amount": "3.25", 

                "currency_code": "USD" 



            "product_exists": true, 

            "product_id": 4372540522601, 

            "properties": [ 


                "name": "custom_message", 

                "value": "644d0a0c30f2731dc68f7ec0" 



                "name": "font_selection", 

                "value": "Tarzan" 



                "name": "recipient_upload", 

                "value": "https://simply-noted-recipients.s3.amazonaws.com/643bb5a900870f1f2478dc69_1695703154110.csv" 



                "name": "sender_fullName", 

                "value": "John Doe" 



                "name": "sender_address1", 

                "value": "123 Main St" 



                "name": "sender_address2", 

                "value": "Apt 101" 



                "name": "sender_city", 

                "value": "New York" 



                "name": "sender_state", 

                "value": "NY" 



                "name": "sender_zip", 

                "value": "10001" 



                "name": "sender_country", 

                "value": "USA" 



                "name": "recipient_fullName", 

                "value": "Er. Toshita" 



                "name": "recipient_businessName", 

                "value": "test" 



                "name": "recipient_address1", 

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        "payment_terms": null, 

        "refunds": [], 

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    "nextOffset": 200, 

    "nextApiCall": true 


  "errors": [] 



6.1. Create A Message Template

Description: This endpoint creates a Template. If any required properties are missing an error will be returned.

Endpoint: /templates

Method: POST


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type Required? Example
productId String Yes "4392452522089"
handwritingStyle String Yes "Tarzan"
customMessage String Yes "This is my custom message"

Returns on success:

"result": {
"_id": "5e1b61a80d9234514cb1e983a",
"productId": "4460979552361",
"handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message",
"ownerId": "5e1a6f1d63458234017a962a3",
"updated": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"created": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"__v": 0
"errors": []


"productId": "4460979552361",
"handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message"

6.2. Retrieve All Message Templates

Description: This endpoint gets all Message Templates.

Endpoint: /templates

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

Returns on success:

"result": [
  "_id": "5e1b5123fe1a7f10021c2b04",
  "productId": "4460979552361",
  "handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
  "customMessage": "This is my custom message",
  "ownerId": "5e1a6f1d616d871237a962a3",
  "updated": "2020-01-12T18:00:25.020Z",
  "created": "2020-01-12T18:00:25.020Z",
  "__v": 0
  "_id": "5e1b61a80d92f711231e983a",
  "productId": "4460979552361",
  "handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
  "customMessage": "This is my custom message 2",
  "ownerId": "5e1a6f1d616d871237a962a3",
  "updated": "2020-01-12T18:12:56.945Z",
  "created": "2020-01-12T18:12:56.945Z",
  "__v": 0
"errors": []

6.3. Retrieve A Single Template

Description: This endpoint gets a single Template.

Endpoint: /templates/:templateId

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Example
templateId String Yes "5e1b5123fe1a7f10021c2b04"

Returns on success:

"result": {
"_id": "5e1b5123fe1a7f10021c2b04",
"productId": "4460979552361",
"handwritingStyle": "Tarzan",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message",
"ownerId": "5e1a6f1d616d871237a962a3",
"updated": "2020-01-12T18:00:25.020Z",
"created": "2020-01-12T18:00:25.020Z",
"__v": 0
"errors": []

6.4. Update A Template

Description: This endpoint updates a Template. If any required properties are missing an error will be returned.

Endpoint: /templates/:templateId

Method: PUT


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Example
templateId String Yes "5e1b5123fe1a7f10021c2b04"


Key Type Required? Example
productId String Yes "4392452522089"
handwritingStyle String Yes "Stitch"
customMessage String Yes "This is my custom message"

Returns on success:

"result": {
"productId": "4392452522089",
"handwritingStyle": "Stitch",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message"
"errors": []


"productId": "4392452522089",
"handwritingStyle": "Stitch",
"customMessage": "This is my custom message"


7.1.Create An Address

Description: This endpoint creates an Address. If any required properties are missing an error will be returned.

Endpoint: /addresses

Method: POST


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes


Key Type Required? Example
firstName String Yes "Johnny"
lastName String Yes "Appleseed"
businessName String No "ACME Inc"
address1 String Yes "123 S Maple Street"
address2 String No "Unit 123"
city String Yes "Metropolis"
state String Yes "Texas"
zip String Yes "12345"
country String Yes "United States"
type String Yes "recipient" OR "return"

Returns on success:

  "result": {
    "_id": "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77",
    "firstName": "Johnny",
    "lastName": "Appleseed",
    "businessName": "ACME Inc",
    "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
    "address2": "Unit 123",
    "city": "Metropolis",
    "state": "Texas",
    "zip": "12345",
    "country": "United States",
    "type": "return"
  "errors": []


  "firstName": "Johnny",
  "lastName": "Appleseed",
  "businessName": "ACME Inc",
  "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
  "address2": "Unit 123",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": "Texas",
  "zip": "12345",
  "country": "United States",
  "type": "return"

7.2. Retrieve All Addresses

Description: This endpoint gets all Addresses.

Endpoint: /addresses

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Name Type Value Required?
type String "return" OR "recipient" No

Returns on success:

"result": [
  "_id": "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77",
  "firstName": "Johnny",
  "lastName": "Appleseed",
  "businessName": "ACME Inc",
  "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
  "address2": "Unit 123",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": "Texas",
  "zip": "12345",
  "country": "United States",
  "type": "return"
"errors": []

7.3. Retrieve A Single Address

Description: This endpoint gets a single address.

Endpoint: /addresses/:addressId

Method: GET


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Example
addressId String Yes "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77"

Returns on success:

"result": {
  "_id": "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77",
  "firstName": "Johnny",
  "lastName": "Appleseed",
  "businessName": "ACME Inc",
  "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
  "address2": "Unit 123",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": "Texas",
  "zip": "12345",
  "country": "United States",
  "type": "return"
"errors": []

7.4. Update An Address

Description: This endpoint updates an address. If any required properties are missing an error will be returned.

Endpoint: /addresses/:addressId

Method: PUT


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Example
addressId String Yes "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77"


Key Type Required? Example
firstName String Yes "Johnny"
lastName String Yes "Appleseed"
businessName String No "ACME Inc"
address1 String Yes "123 S Maple Street"
address2 String No "Unit 123"
city String Yes "Metropolis"
state String Yes "Texas"
zip String Yes "12345"
country String Yes "United States"
type String Yes "recipient" OR "return"

Returns on success:

"result": {
  "_id": "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77",
  "firstName": "Johnny",
  "lastName": "Appleseed",
  "businessName": "ACME Inc",
  "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
  "address2": "Unit 123",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": "Texas",
  "zip": "12345",
  "country": "United States",
  "type": "return"
"errors": []


  "firstName": "Johnny",
  "lastName": "Appleseed",
  "businessName": "ACME Inc",
  "address1": "123 S Maple Street",
  "address2": "Unit 123",
  "city": "Metropolis",
  "state": "Texas",
  "zip": "12345",
  "country": "United States",
  "type": "return"

7.5. Delete A Single Address

Description: This endpoint deletes a single address.

Endpoint: /addresses/:addressId

Method: DELETE


Name Value Required?
Content-Type application/json Yes
Authorization Bearer TOKEN_HERE Yes

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Example
addressId String Yes "5ea1101e9680607558e3ff77"

Returns on success:

  "result": {
    "deletedCount": 1
  "errors": []


8.1. Examples

Description: Below you can preview the available handwriting styles that can be leveraged by the API.


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

AI Message Assistant

Type in words or a phrase to use our AI Assistant to
help generate a great message.

Characters Remaining: 450