How Insurance Companies Can Profit From Custom Thank You Cards

Gratitude is a powerful marketing force. It breaks down walls, softens resistance, and builds long-term relationships. An authentic, well-timed business thank you card can communicate more about your customer service philosophy than paragraphs of conventional marketing copy, converting first-time customers into patrons for life.
And the more you customize and personalize your cards, the better they are. Messages of gratitude that feel like they were sent directly from one person to another are the most effective. Insurance companies, among other professional service businesses, can reap the greatest rewards because they deal with clients on a one-on-one basis. Custom thank you cards can dramatically boost referrals while helping you hold onto the business you already have.
But what do we mean by “custom thank you cards” and how do they differ from standard business cards? Read on to find out.
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To get a better understanding of what we mean, consider thank you cards you might have received from large companies — generic cards with generic messages. At best you might find your name printed at the top of the card, but the rest of the text is boilerplate. Every recipient gets the exact same message. They lack any meaningful personalization — recipients won’t see specifics regarding what they’re being thanked for — only general thanks that apply to everyone.
Custom thank you cards take the opposite approach. Each one is different. Each includes personalized messages that only apply to the person receiving them. In this way, they mimic thank you cards that you might send to friends and family. Those are clearly written with a specific recipient in mind.
As a result, they feel targeted and authentic, and the thanks they express seem heartfelt and genuine. Think about the last time you got a warm thank you note from a friend. It likely put a smile on your face and made your day. You knew your friend was expressing genuine emotions and the card strengthened your bond of friendship. Now imagine how powerful it would be if you could harness that reaction for building your business.
Compared to custom thank you cards, a generic one-size-fits-all mailing feels disingenuous — they’re the absolute least a company can do to say thanks, and that’s how they’re received by customers. They fail to express gratitude because they weren’t actually written with the recipient in mind.
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Business relationships offer a range of opportunities to express gratitude. Insurance companies can take advantage of each of these to help build trust and strengthen client bonds. Some of these include:
- When an existing client refers business
- When an existing client adds new coverage
- When you sign a policy with someone new
- When an associate does your business a solid
- To express gratitude to an employee that goes above and beyond
Let’s take a look at each of these and how custom thank you cards can be used to turn the opportunity into a stronger business.
SEE ALSO: 5 Sample Thank You Cards for Business
Thanking Existing Clients For Referrals
Referrals are critical for building a thriving insurance agency. Not only do referral leads cost less than those procured using other tactics, but because a certain level of trust already exists, they also close at a significantly higher rate.
When a client refers someone to you, you should thank them effusively, whether or not the lead converts. This demonstrates your gratitude for the gesture and increases the likelihood that the client will continue to feed you leads in the future.

Thanking Existing Clients For New Business
Whether they realize it or not, insurance agents are in the business of caring for people. They sell certainty in an uncertain world. Part of this involves keeping lines of communication open and nurturing client relationships.
Custom thank you cards are a great opportunity to stay in touch with your clients and express your gratitude when they purchase additional policies. Not only does this make them feel good about their decision, but it also makes it more likely that they’ll spread your name to friends, family, and associates.
SEE ALSO: The Value of Automated Thank You Cards in Business
Expressing Gratitude to New Clients
People have a lot of options open to them when it comes to their insurance needs, with the industry growing at 5% per year. It’s crucial to thank new accounts and keep a dialogue open. Not only does this show that you care about your clients, but you’ll also boost your chances of selling them additional coverage in the future.
Thanking Partners and Other Business Associates
If you’re an agent, you’ve likely had the experience where someone comes to you with questions that are outside of your profession. They might be seeking legal advice, or they might need accounting services. Do you turn them away sight unseen, or do you pass their contact information on to a business associate engaged in the required business?
If the latter is true, then you’re like most other professionals. And if you’re sending them business, they could be sending it back to you. Keeping amicable relationships with a number of professionals across a range of disciplines allows you to trade leads, getting more business than you would have otherwise. So be sure to show that you’re grateful when a colleague sends you business.
SEE ALSO: What to Say in a Business Thank You Card

Showing Your Employees Gratitude
Good employees go above and beyond. It’s in their DNA. But if you don’t demonstrate your gratitude, they’re less likely to continue putting in the extra time, and that extra effort translates directly to more billable hours, a better customer experience for your clients, and a stronger business. The investment is low and the payoff is high, so when your employees do you a solid, much sure they know much you appreciate it.
Remember what makes custom thank you cards custom? Personalization. And there’s nothing more personal than a handwritten card. In contrast to a printed card that feels cold and aloof, a handwritten card feels like it was mailed with the recipient in mind, person to person.
Plus, handwritten cards enjoy a 99% open rate, and a thank you card that never gets opened never actually says thank you. With Simply Noted, you can have compelling, authentic pen-written thank you cards created and mailed automatically so that you never forget to say thanks. Our smart font technologies recreate the smallest details of the handwritten experience using real ballpoint pens for handwritten cards that have no peer.
If you’re sending thank you cards, don’t falter at the finish line. Make sure they’re handwritten to best capitalize on your investment, and then let us take out all the hassle. It’s money in the bank unless you’re leaving it on the table. For the sake of your business, please don’t do that. Give Simply Noted a call today.