Everything You Wanted to Know About Bulk Mailing in 2020

Do you want to find a simple way to stay in touch with customers, but don't want to break the bank? Are you looking for a more efficient way to handle sending out mail for your business?

Bulk mailing services can be the answer to your mail problems. Plenty of businesses use bulk mail, and it saves them a lot of time and money. 

Consider Simply Noted your guide to the world of bulk mailing! Keep reading if you want a quick rundown on what bulk mailing is and how it could benefit your business. 

What is Bulk Mailing?

bulk mailing services

You may have heard of the term buying in bulk before, and mailing in bulk isn't that different.

Bulk mail is a discounted mailing service that's offered by USPS and it's designed to make it easier and more cost-effective to send out large quantities of mail at the same time. 

It's important to note that since the service is offered by USPS the service can only be used for domestic purposes and can't be used for international mailing.

If you frequently send out flyers, letters, or notes, bulk mailing could help save you a lot of money. Overall bulk mail prices are considerably less expensive than the full prices for sending out a standard piece of mail. 

Related: How to Create Custom Mass Handwritten Communication

Who Uses Bulk Mailing?

Almost any professional could benefit from utilizing bulk mailing services. It makes mailing a lot of material fast and less expensive. 

Even though anyone could use bulk mailing service, there are certain industries that benefit the most from it. 

Hotel Management 

Maybe your hotel has just added a brand new indoor gym complete with instructors and a pool. Or maybe you're running a special promotion for the holidays and you want to get the word out.

A bulk mailing campaign can do wonders for marketing hospitality services. You can send mail to people who have already stayed at your hotel or could choose to send to everyone in your immediate area. 

Bulk mailing can also be helpful for any big announcements around policy changes, or if you need to alert people about construction, conventions, or other things that could affect their stay. 

Real Estate Professionals

You should never underestimate the power of a well-made mailer for people in the real estate industry. 

It's common practice for new real estate agents to blank their territories with friendly notes to let residents know that they're available for all of their buying and selling needs. 

Mailers can also be a great way to advertise open houses. You never know who is looking around for a new house in the same area.

Read our article for realtors: 7 Thank You Letter Closings

Marketing Professionals

Digital marketing may be popular in the professional marketing world, but direct mail marketing still has its place in the industry. 

A well-made flyer or postcard about a store opening, big sale, or other business news can do a lot to help spread a marketing message. It's also a great way to stay in touch with customers and keep a business top of mind in their target audience. 

Entertainment Industry Producers 

The entertainment industry still relies on print advertising in 2020. Social media posts and email blasts can help concert promoters, music producers, and other entertainment professionals, but a well-placed flyer and mailers can still be a powerful marketing tool. 

Is your client making a stop in a city's popular music venue? Be sure to send out mailers to everyone in the area.

Are you about to open a hot new club? Everyone within a 10-mile radius of its location should get a postcard about the opening that's full of pictures of your gorgeous new venue.

Insurance Companies

Insurance agents do need to send out personal mail, but there are still situations where a bulk mailer to people in the area could be more efficient. 

Send out a flyer to let people know that open enrollment is about to end so they need to make important changes to their plan. A short and sweet postcard around how to prevent illness during cold and flu season could find its way to the bulletin boards and fridge doors of your policyholders. 

Suggested Reading: Insurance Sales tips for new agents

Great Reasons to Utilize Bulk Mailing 

There are plenty of industries that could benefit from bulk mailing, and there are also certain situations where using bulk mailing could be best. 

Have you considered using bulk mailing services in the past, but weren't sure about whether or not it was the right situation for it? If you find yourself trying to solve any of the following problems, consider bulk mailing as a solution. 

Related: 10 Reasons You Should Send More Handwritten Letters

Send Reminders

Are you tired of dealing with last-minute cancellations from people? Do you want another way to remind people about important appointments that go beyond phone calls?

Sending out print reminders is a great way to stay in touch with customers and to gently remind them of any important events. 

Doctors and dentists can let people know that it's time for their annual appointment. Professional consultants can remind people about upcoming appointments and tell them what they need to bring. 

Say Thank You

Someone just made a generous donation to your cause. An old client may have just given you a great referral for new business. A customer wrote a stellar review that people keep referencing.

Regardless of the situation, someone you know is owed a thank you for what they've done. Creating bulk thank you cards to send out for different occasions can make it easy to show your appreciation. 

Catch-Up with Clients 

When you have so many different methods of communicating with people catching up with an old client or contract should seem simple. If anything, staying in touch in the digital age has only gotten more complicated.

People receive so many texts and e-mails throughout the day. It can be very easy for your messages to get lost among the others.

If you want a way to stand out and make sure that your message is heard, send a written note instead of an email the next time you want to reach out to someone. 

There's something about a written letter that's more personal. It sticks out a lot more than an email, and may even seem more important to the receiver because you took the time to write something. 

Send an Invitation

If there's one area where print communication still reigns supreme, it's invitations. People still love receiving beautifully crafted invitations for any kind of event. 

Don't think that the only time to send an invite is when you're getting married or throwing a party. A nice invitation to a product seminar, open house, or networking meet and greet can easily persuade people to go. 

Why Should I Send Handwritten Notes?

bulk mailing services for businesses

You understand the benefits of bulk mailing for professionals, but you may not yet see the value in making your bulk mailings handwritten. 

There's something to be said about the power of a handwritten note. A handwritten letter or note can lift people's moods

If you don't think that a handwritten note could have that much of an effect on people, you'll change your mind after you see all of the ways they could benefit your business and customers. 

Add a Personal Touch 

Digital communication can seem so impersonal. Customers and clients aren't going to feel like your business truly cares about them if they can tell that the message they received was part of another e-mail blast. 

When you send people a handwritten note, you're giving your simple a communication a personalized touch. Sometimes even something as simple as adding your signature can show that this was a message you put thought and attention into.

Stand Out 

You can add nice images and videos to the messages you send, and you may even choose to change the font and color of your text. Unfortunately, regardless of how many personal touches you add to a text or email, they all end up looking the same in an inbox or on a phone.

A handwritten letter is going to stand out a lot more than a simple text or email. Having a physical piece of communication in your hands automatically makes it seem more memorable. 

Show You Care

It doesn't matter what message you decide to put on the material you mail out. Overall, if you send something that's handwritten the receiver will always get the message that you care about them.

Sending out something that's handwritten shows that you put thought into the message they're receiving. It shows that you wanted to add a personal touch to your letter or card and that you wanted to put effort into what you sent. 

Personal Messages From Handwriting Experts

Bulk mailing can benefit nearly any professional and business you can think of. Regardless of if you want to connect to customers on a deeper level or find a personal way to stay in touch, handwritten mail can get you the results you need.

Now that you know how helpful handwritten letters can be, don't you think it's time to try them out for your business?

Simply Noted has so many ways to help your business stay in touch with the customers and clients that matter to you the most. Take some time to check out the business section of our website so you can see all of the ways we can take your communication to the next level.