10 Best Ways to Say Thank You for Your Order

10 Best Ways to Say Thank You for Your Order
What is one of the best ways to say "Thank you for your order" to a customer?
To help you properly thank your customers for their orders, we asked CEOs and marketing leaders this question for their best tips. From using a Handwritten Notes service to adding an extra item with a purchase, there are several great ways to say "Thank you for your order" to a customer.
Here are 10 ways these leaders thank their customers post-purchase:
- Use a Handwritten Notes Service
- Address the Valued Customer by Name and Detail The Product Purchased in Your ‘Thank You’
- Thank Them for Their Trust
- Do Not Try to Sell
- Consider the Individual as Well as the Group
- Define the Relationship
- Send Appreciation and Review Link
- Make Sure You Deliver What They Expect
- Cultivate That Warm Feeling With A Discount Coupon
- Add An Extra Item to Show Appreciation
Use a Handwritten Notes Service
Emails of gratitude are a brief but crucial touchpoint. Building relationships with customers is the main focus of these notes to turn them into loyal customers who will eventually join your volunteer marketing force. Your goal is to make them so content that they recommend your company to their friends and relatives. You have to go above and beyond and provide the customer with more than any of your rivals will ever be able to establish a strong relationship. For that reason, a handwritten order thank-you note must be sent.
You read that right – you're looking for handwritten notes that are sized. One note at a time would be far too costly and time-consuming. A handwritten note service can be useful in situations like that.
Joshua Tibando, Content & PR Manager, Findstoragefast
It's worth noting that Simply Noted is the world's most advanced automated handwritten note service. The hand-rendered word express customer appreciation better than any other format and we lead the industry in realism, speed, and price. From that perspective, a handwritten note is a purchase note with customers as the prize.

Address the Customer by Name and Detail The Product Purchased in Your ‘Thank You’
Businesses spend a great deal of time trying to personalize their marketing to drive sales, and similar effort should also be placed in thanking the customer for their purchase. Just because the sale has been completed does not mean that you stop selling; therefore, it is still important to make the customer feel valued.
Addressing customers by name, detailing the product that they purchased, offering incentives to purchase similar items, and signing off with a customer service representative’s name, are all smart ways to thank the customer and humanize the shopping experience. By personalizing your “thank you for your order” message, you will create a connection with your customer and better your chance for a future purchase.
Greg Gillman, Chief Revenue Officer, MuteSix
You're more likely to develop repeat customers when they feel you've addressed them as an individual. You can encourage customers to buy again by saying "thanks for shopping with us, [insert their name here]."
Thank Them for Their Trust
"Thanks for trusting us." The customer-company relationship is effectively an exercise in trust, where the buyer is putting faith in you to provide a quality service. For some transactions, the stakes are low. Other times, they're relying on your business for something serious. Thanking your customers for putting their trust in you is important because it doesn't just thank them for their money. It thanks them, fundamentally, for giving you their business and shows you appreciate their investment in you when they could have gone somewhere else.
Chris Vaughn, CEO, Emjay
Do Not Try to Sell
Make sure to emphasize your genuine gratitude and leave it at that. If you include anything promotional in addition to saying thank you, the thank you message will not seem as sincere. Remember, you have plenty of other opportunities to try to sell to your customers, so do not push selling when it is unnecessary.
Nick Shackelford, Managing Partner, Structured Agency
Build customer loyalty by letting the relationship grow instead of stifling it with heavy sales messaging. When you say "thank you for shopping at our online store" make sure you put the customer experience first and treat them the way you know they want to be treated. This will help develop future purchases.

Consider the Individual as Well as the Group
In my opinion, a brief phone call or handwritten message can be enough if you have a close personal relationship with your clients. If you can't personally thank each consumer, consider speaking to them as a group. Email marketing tools like MailChimp and Constant Contact, as well as social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, allow for mass communication. Your customer will appreciate the extra work you put in by writing them a thoughtful note on lovely stationery and including it in the shipment they get from you. As a bonus, you'll stand out from the crowd and leave your customer feeling valued.
Daniel Foley, Founder, Daniel Foley Consultancy
Define the Relationship
“Thank you for being our customer.” It may sound like it means the same thing, but framing it this way makes it more about the person than the transaction. It lets the customer know that you are grateful for them, not just their money. It also suggests that you will have future business together—an order is a one-time event, whereas a relationship can last a lifetime. By thanking them for being a customer, you have defined this relationship while expressing your gratitude.
Drake Ballew, Founder & CEO, Practice Health
Send Appreciation and Review Link
One of the most productive ways to say thank you to customers is by letting them know you value them. Convey this with lines like Thanks for purchasing with us or choosing us. In the latter case, you are also making them aware of the fact that you appreciate them choosing you over the competition. You can further add on by saying We appreciate your business or We appreciate the chance to serve you. This will help them feel positive to shop with you again. In the end, just let them know you'd like to hear their feedback, and attach a survey link. These 3 sentences would give you a good headway to make an impact, and might also help you increase customer numbers. As for loyal customers, add in extra discounts and coupons along with the regular message. It's basically how you approach each customer depending on their relationship with you.
Michael Koh, Senior IT Director, PropNex

Make Sure You Deliver What They Expect
One of the best ways to do justice to the trust customers place in you is to deliver products and services that match their expectations or even pleasantly surprise them by surpassing quality standards. No way of saying “thank you” works better than an effort that leaves no room for disappointment and shows the customer that they’re getting what they paid for. On the other hand, if the customer isn’t happy with a product, no amount of follow-up gestures can make up for it.
Larissa Pickens, Owner, Repeat Replay
Doing what your customer expects is a great way to build word-of-mouth marketing. When customer satisfaction is high, they'll talk about you to others naturally.
Cultivate That Warm Feeling With A Discount Coupon
Welcome them to the family and give them a discount! Honestly, if you really want to thank your customers for their orders, you can write them a personalized email and give them a gift or a discount that will make them feel valued. For example, when a customer orders your product for the first time respond with an email saying “Welcome to the family, Susan! We wanted to thank you for your order and give you 15% off on your next purchase using this code!” Include the discount code and leave them feeling great and part of a new and appreciative family.
Gabriel de la Serna, CEO & Founder, On Post
Add An Extra Item to Show Appreciation
Customers are a crucial part of your business. Gaining a significant amount of loyal customers is every business' goal. Appreciating and acknowledging them can bring us a step closer to this goal. If you are a new business, handwritten notes are a must. You can go the extra mile by adding an incentive of your choosing. Adding a free product to their purchase order can be a delightful surprise.
Everyone loves getting free stuff. Your customer knows what they have ordered and are expecting it. But when you add a little extra item, it makes them feel valued. These items can be stickers, fridge magnets, a sample product, or anything else of your liking. Giving an extra item can motivate your customer to post it on social media. Thus, increasing your audience. Making your customers feel appreciated and valued is a business' number one priority.
Tali Ditye, Co-Founder, Mommyhood101
Whether your customer is an individual, small business, or large company, you can make them a loyal customer by showing appreciation. People want to support local businesses, but the most like to support the businesses that appreciate them. When customers feel valued they become satisfied customers.