22 Personal New Year's Resolutions for a Healthy, Happy, and Successful 2021

It’s that time again! Another year is coming to an end. A lot of us are probably happy to close the books on 2020 and are excited to make up for lost time in the year to come. In the spirit of renewal, we present a collection of New Year’s resolutions you can take on to help ensure that next year is a vibrant, prosperous adventure. 

 In this article, we’ll focus on 22 resolutions you can tackle in your personal life. Next week we’ll post 22 additional resolutions focused on your working world. Both are equally important, and both deserve attention. Now let’s make 2021 unforgettable!

Personal New Year’s Resolutions Anyone Can Achieve

Ready to get in shape, reconnect with old friends, and learn something new? Start with one New Year’s resolution from this list and then build from there.

1. Declutter Your Home

Feel like you’re drowning in stuff? Take the time to decide what you truly need in your life and give away or throw out items that are just taking up space. You’ll appreciate what you have more when it’s all special to you.

2. Donate Your Old Clothes

As you thin out your possessions, donate old clothing you no longer wear. It’s a tax deduction, and it helps out someone in need. It also opens up your shelves for something new.

3. Expand Your Culinary Skills

Do you tend to cook the same things over and over? Resolve to add one new dish each week. Your skills and your family will thank you!

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4. Stop Smoking

The health hazards of smoking are well known. Do yourself a favor and kick the habit. There are a number of ways to stop smoking. You’ll be healthier, and you’ll find it easier to get in shape.

5. Take Up a Hobby

Find a new passion. Try your hand at woodworking, painting, knitting, jewelry-making, or any of the nearly limitless options available to you. Create something beautiful!

6. Visit a Bucket List Location

Once the pandemic is over, get out of your house and travel to a destination you’ve always wanted to see. We’ve been cooped up for too long. See the world and broaden your horizons.

7. Learn Something New Every Week

The internet brings the world into your home. TED Talks and other free online courses are a great way to expand your knowledge. Pick a new topic every week and learn something new.

8. Start a Workout Routine

Trying to get in shape is a classic New Year’s resolution and for good reason. We’re happier, we feel better, and we live longer when we exercise. So get a Peloton, run on a treadmill, or lift some weights. Find a routine you enjoy and can stick with.

9. Cultivate a Habit of Gratitude

Being grateful for the things we have leads us to happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Try sending short thank you notes to everyone that’s had a positive impact on your life. Not only will this improve your outlook, but it will spread a little joy to other people, too.

SEE ALSO: Gratitude is a  Business Strategy

10. Relax

Life is stressful. If you don’t allow yourself some space, it can be overwhelming. Commit to taking some time for yourself. You could try meditation, yoga, or just settle in for a great movie with your family. Spend time doing the things you love.

11. Be Nice to Yourself

All too often, we beat ourselves up over mistakes and missed opportunities. Instead, compliment yourself when you do something well. It’s a quick way to shift your perspective.

12. Get Outside More Often

Sunlight is necessary for manufacturing Vitamin D and regulating your sleep cycle. Make a New Year’s resolution to soak up some sun for at least 15 minutes each day.

13. Chase Your Dreams

Do you want to learn an instrument? Start a new career? Write the great American novel? The only way to do it is to do it. Commit to taking the first step.

14. Start Journaling

Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your feelings and document the important moments in your life. Try to write at least a little bit every day.

15. Get Your Eight Hours

Getting enough sleep is critical for our mental and physical wellbeing. If you can’t get a full eight hours, at least try to get more than you currently do.

16. Stamp Your Own Cards

Stamping lovely thank you notes or birthday cards is a great way to exercise your creativity while creating a keepsake that your friends and family will cherish.

SEE ALSO: How to Write Thank You Letters to Your Customers

17. Keep in Touch

It’s easy to let our busy lives get in the way of maintaining friendships. Instead of running on the rat race treadmill, get off now and then and reconnect with people.

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18. Keep Your Word

Doing what you say you’ll do is a great way to build trust in a relationship. It also gives your self-respect a boost. As a New Year’s resolution, commit to keeping your commitments.

19. Reduce Your Calorie Intake

People diet to lose weight, but you don’t need fancy eating plans to get results. All you need to do to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than your body needs. 

20. Take a Lunch Break

Many of us work while we eat, but taking a half-hour for yourself each day is a great way to collect your thoughts and recharge for the second half of your day. Get away from your desk while you eat.

21. Change Your Style

Feeling in a rut? Sometimes all it takes is a new look to break out of old routines. Change your hairstyle. Grow a beard. Buy some new threads. Create a new you on the inside by starting on the outside.

22. See Your Doctor

If you think carefully, you can probably come up with at least one medical issue you’ve been procrastinating on getting checked. Take this New Year’s resolution as an opportunity to make sure you’re as healthy as you can be. 

SEE ALSO: Why Handwritten Notes Make People Feel Good


Resolutions are a great excuse to do the things you know you need to do, but what’s really important is that you take action. Choose something that resonates with you and make it happen. Don’t let yourself off the hook. You may fail, but as long as it’s not because you didn’t try, you’re a winner. 

 Stay tuned for Simply Noted's 22 business New Year’s resolutions next week!