What Happens If You Stop Sending Handwritten Notes?

Stop Sending Handwritten Notes and what happens?
It’s no secret that handwritten notes are a powerful, engaging medium. They show that you took the time to sit down and write a personalized message just for the person you’re sending it to. And there’s just something about receiving a handwritten note in the mail that makes your heart happy.
These gems of paper and ink aren't just for personal communications. They're also powerful marketing tools that can help businesses build relationships with their customers, convert more prospects, strengthen their customer service, and increase their business overall.
Whether you're a company or an individual, handwritten notes are a deeply personal, relatable way to keep in touch with those most important to you.
So what happens if we no longer sent handwritten notes? Not only do we lose all of the benefits we'll discuss shortly, but we also lose touch with a part of ourselves. Ditching handwritten notes cuts us off from a very expressive art form that helps us develop as people, friends, coworkers — really every role we play in other people's lives.
That's because when we can't express both what we want to say and the emotional content behind it, we feel more cut off from those around us. This impacts our mental well-being.
This article will discuss what's lost when handwritten notes are ignored. You'll see that the quick and easy digital communication channels available to us today simply aren't as satisfying as handwritten communications, neither for the send nor the receiver.

The Impact of a Handwritten Letter Can't Be Underestimated
How many of you have a box of old Christmas cards stashed somewhere in your office? How about a collection of thank you cards from the many clients you've helped over the years? Or how about a stack of birthday cards from friends and family?
Chances are, you're not the only one. Most people have collections like these hidden away somewhere in their homes. That's because the handwritten word connects us with our past selves. They show where we've been and what we've done. And they remind us of the people who mean so much to us, both near and far.
Handwritten notes are also important to other people. When someone receives a handwritten letter, it shows them that you value them enough to take the time out of your day to share something special with them. It shows that you were thinking of them.
To Stop Sending Handwritten Notes Would Be Bad for Business
Handwritten messages are also a proven communication tool for handling customer service issues, promoting products, increasing your business leads, and exponentially growing your reach. Writing personalized messages to prospects or clients increases both their appreciation for you and the likelihood they'll use your services again in the future.
Handwritten notes are a boon to businesses because of their sticky nature. Unlike an email that quickly falls off the bottom of your inbox or a standard printed mailer that winds up in the trash, a handwritten card can stick around. If the sentiment is right it becomes a keepsake.
For companies trying to build top-of-mind engagement, this is critical. It seems that the impact of a handwritten message can't be underestimated!

The Loss of Authenticity When We Don't Send Handwritten Notes
All of the benefits we've discussed so far are great, but they don't come close to what's lost when we don't send handwritten notes: authenticity. Or rather, the loss of true self.
Handwritten notes show that you're willing to be vulnerable. They offer a unique glimpse into your personality and allow others to see what makes you tick. Typically, they require hours of time and effort to prepare, but their benefits are undeniable.
They also provide a sense of continuity throughout our lives. You can write once and send it to everyone you know, or spend time crafting personalized notes for each individual. You can use them as a diary of sorts or an outlet for your creative energy.
Whatever the reason you start writing, it's likely that you'll continue throughout your life because handwritten notes are just so special! Think about it: They are incredibly inexpensive yet have the potential to bring financial value, emotional satisfaction, and social connection.
So What Happens When We Don't Send Handwritten Notes?
No matter whether we're writing for ourselves or a business when we give up the practice we give up quite a bit. Before you dismiss handwritten notes as antiquated or difficult, consider what you're giving up.

You Lose a Valuable Avenue for Relationship Building
Handwritten notes can touch every aspect of our lives. If someone does something nice for us, we can thank them for their contribution. Likewise, a business can use handwritten thank you notes to acknowledge new customers and start a lifelong conversation.
The special feelings we hold for each other during the holidays are most easily expressed by putting pen to paper. The same goes for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other noteworthy occasion. As individuals, we use handwritten cards to celebrate each other.
Handwritten Letters Are Good for Business, Too
Businesses can connect with customers after a particularly large order. Handwritten communications are perfect for expressing regret when mistakes occur. The personal nature of the medium means your apology is felt authentically and reacted to in a way that's beneficial for you and your customer.
When we don't send handwritten letters, we lose the feeling that we're sending a part of ourselves. Email and text messages don't connect with our recipients the same way. They're cold and clinical — ones and zeros streaming across the internet devoid of emotional content.

We Lose Valuable Keepsakes
Remember that box of thank you notes we mentioned earlier? Imagine a digital parallel; what would that look like? A folder on your computer stuffed with a bunch of digital text, printouts on copy paper shoved in a manila folder, or most likely, just random emails lost forever in your ever-growing inbox?
None of these sound appealing. You're simply unlikely to ever go back through your thousands of old emails, most of which are spam, looking for a thank you message you received three years previously.
Digital messages offer nothing tangible, so there's no sentimental value.
A Handwritten Note is a Better Option
Handwritten notes normally feature a lovely image on their front, chosen by the sender specifically for you. Inside you find a heartfelt message penned by the sender's hand; they put in the time necessary to put their thoughts on paper and make them real for you.
The card is physical. You can roll it over in your hands, smell the paper and ink, feel the indentation from the pen, and see the smear of ink from where your friend's palm smudged it.
You know that your friend, loved one, or someone from a business that's important to you did all that, themselves, for you.

We Lose the Opportunity For Connection
Why do we send people birthday cards when it's easier to pick up the phone and call? Why do we send handwritten thank you notes in response to wedding gifts when we could simply thank everyone at once at the end of the reception?
We do these things partially out of tradition, but also because handwritten cards forge new connections between people and strengthen bonds that already exist.
Yes, you could call someone on their birthday. And depending on how they're related to you, you probably should. But you should send a handwritten birthday card, too. The card doubles as a message and a gift. Whereas the phone call is easy, the card is more involved; more effort is required to get it to the recipient's mailbox.
People subconsciously assign the card more value than a phone call as a result. If we stopped sending handwritten communications by snail mail, we lose this valuable touchpoint.
Businesses miss out as well. A handwritten letter from a business is more personal than an email or text message and often gets a better response. When customers know that a business took the time to sit down and write them a note, it feels like they're being valued as an individual.

Businesses Lose Out on Potential Customers and Sales
Businesses engage in advertising and marketing to create interest, generate leads, raise brand awareness, and grow their market share. Any tactics that contribute to positive gains should be utilized to their fullest.
Handwritten direct mail is a powerful tactic that's often missed, and if businesses stopped sending handwritten notes, they'd miss out on significant business increases.
Handwritten tactics drive business due to their stellar engagement rates; they're opened 99% of the time! No other tactic can boast a nearly 100% engagement rate. Imagine how many prospects you could convert if 99 out of every 100 mailers you sent out were read by their recipients.
Even if only 50% of those people responded you'd enjoy a 50% response rate — a staggering return on your investment by any standard.
All of those potential new customers are out there, waiting to hear from you. And your next customer win back might be right around the corner. A handwritten letter in their mailbox might be all it takes to win them over. But if you never sent them out, you'd never know.
All of Us Miss Out on the Health Benefits of Handwritten Notes
It turns out that sending handwritten letters confers health benefits on the sender and the recipient.
The simple act of putting pen to paper encourages mindfulness, which in turn has been linked with reduced stress levels and better mental health. When we sit down to write a note or read one, we're forced to focus on the task at hand and not let our minds wander. This focused attention is beneficial for both the sender and the recipient.
If you've ever written a letter to a far-away friend, you know the joy of receiving one in return. There's something about getting mail from someone you love that feels like a little piece of sunshine on a cloudy day. Receiving a handwritten letter in the mail is a bright spot in our day, and it's something we all miss out on if we cease sending handwritten notes.
Mailing handwritten cards is a lost art, but it's one that's worth preserving. Let's all make an effort to send handwritten messages more often — not just for special occasions, but for every day. It's a simple way to make someone feel loved and appreciated, and it can brighten up their day in a way that nothing else can.

Thankfully We Live in a World Where Handwritten Notes Are Easy to Send
This has been an interesting intellectual exercise, but it's not one we need to worry about because the handwritten word is easier than you think to create. We all have a pen, real ink, and paper lying around. But even businesses that regularly send hundreds or thousands of handwritten messages can do so more rapidly, and with better results than ever before, with Simply Noted.
Our next-generation handwriting machines were built from the ground up with efficiency and authenticity in mind. Our proprietary "Infinity" fonts and real ink pens recreate the subtle details that distinguish real handwriting from artificial.
Use our provided integrations to link your marketing software and you can generate automated, handwritten letters and letters as easily as you would an email campaign, using all the same workflows! Your customers will never know a human didn't handwrite your cards, which means you'll gain all of the benefits with none of the work.
For individuals, what can you do if you want to send handwritten words more often? One of the most common ways people do this is by sending a handwritten card or note to themselves with a specific goal in mind.
For example, if you’re trying to build your network, commit to writing yourself at least one handwritten note each day for the next 30 days. This will help you get into the habit of sending them regularly and might even inspire you to write more often than you otherwise would.
In a world where so much is digital and intangible, a handwritten letter offers a way to connect that's physical, personal, and meaningful. Let's not stop sending them.