Maximize Your Fundraising with Double the Donation Matching Gifts

Maximize Your Fundraising with Double the Donation Matching Gifts
Did you know that an estimated $4-7 billion in unclaimed corporate matching gifts is left on the table each year? Imagine the impact your nonprofit could make by tapping into those funds. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the world of matching gifts and introduce you to Double the Donation, a game-changing tool that simplifies the matching gift process and ensures your organization can maximize its fundraising potential. You'll learn more about double the donation if you read on.
- Unlock the potential of matching gifts to access billions in additional funds for fundraising goals.
- Utilize Double the Donation’s search engine, automated platform, and integration with platforms like Givebutter to maximize donations.
- Leverage their comprehensive database covering 24K+ companies’ programs to identify donors & increase revenue.
Matching gifts offer nonprofit organizations an effective way to expand their fundraising activities. When a donor makes a contribution, the amount could be matched by the contributor’s employer, thus multiplying how much is actually donated. Unfortunately, numerous individuals are unaware of these matching gift programs, and hundreds of millions in potential donations go unclaimed yearly as a result. Sending an effective matching gift request can make a big difference.
With this knowledge regarding unlocking matching gifts and understanding their qualifications for matching gift eligibility comes an immense opportunity for your organization to access those lost funds to reach its philanthropic goals.

Understanding Matching Gifts
Matching gifts are donations made by businesses or foundations that match the philanthropic contributions of their employees, retirees, and members. For example, if an employee donates $100 to a charity organization, then the employer may double this donation at a 1:1 ratio, thus converting it into a total contribution worth $200, creating an advantage for both donors and nonprofits alike as each gift is amplified with greater impact.
Achieving the full potential of matching gifting can be hindered due to a lack of awareness among contributors. Hence, Double The Donation was set up in 2010, which specializes in providing databases on matching donation programs so charities can take benefit of these offerings.
The Role of Corporate Matching Gift Programs
Companies offer corporate matching gift programs as an opportunity for their employees to donate a portion of their earnings to eligible nonprofit organizations. This type of program is seen as a major help in furthering fundraising efforts and aiding the goals set by nonprofits. It also encourages donors to take advantage of unused matching gift revenue, which can increase the effectiveness of donations made annually.
The submission process required from qualifying donors is easy thanks to services like Double The Donation’s matching donation database or automation solution that provide them with direct links leading straight into online donation forms they use for requesting gift matches at companies they work for.
Double the Donation is a search engine designed to offer donors an effortless way of discovering their eligibility for matching gifts and volunteer grants. Their carefully curated content ensures that users can quickly identify potential opportunities, optimizing the usage of these initiatives as part of fundraising campaigns. Integrated services with Givebutter provide nonprofits additional avenues to communicate details about matching gifts and other donations for increased engagement by those making contributions.
The platform streamlines the process even more by providing an accessible interface enabling individuals to easily submit requests associated with their matching gift database and matches so no donor overlooks any given opportunity to boost your organization’s overall earnings capability through such efforts.

360MatchPro: The Game-Changer
Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro platform is designed to help nonprofits increase their matching gift revenue and optimize potential opportunities. It offers a user-friendly interface with automated follow-ups, ensuring donors know available match gifts.
One revolutionary feature is its auto-submission for faster processing and a higher rate of successful matches, directly impacting donor satisfaction and improving corporate relationships overall. Thus making this tool beneficial in helping fundraising organizations attain maximum matching gift profits!
Integration with Fundraising Platforms
Double the Donation’s easy donation integration, along with popular fundraising platforms, facilitates your organization in including a matching gift element into its entire donation activities. These programs include Fundraise Up, 360MatchPro, Classy, Virtuous, and Givebutter.
This pairing makes it easier for donors to submit their matched gift requests and improves their experience of giving money, which means they’re more likely to make donations.
Double the Donation plugin can be used on different parts of the website, like the match-gift page or the donation process itself, so that supporters will understand about existing matching presents chances better and have no trouble sending out request forms accordingly - subsequently improving your organization’s potential funds raising prospects considerably.

The donation tools and strategies provided by Double the Donation can greatly enhance a nonprofit organization’s fundraising capabilities. A lot of schools, charities, and companies across different sizes have seen fruitful results when making use of their services, such as an increase in matching gift revenue, greater donor engagement, plus more effective donor retention.
For nonprofits that desire to maximize their fundraising efforts through leveraging matching gifts, Double the Donation provides various resources, including automated follow-ups for keeping donors informed on possibilities involving matches. Simplified payment processes so they don’t struggle to submit requests. Analysis concerning how well those donations are doing towards profits made. By taking advantage of these solutions, your business will be able to amass higher levels of funding from using what’s available with regard to gift match programs.
Donation offers come packed full with a variety of options, including comprehensive databases full of programs related to it, not mention additional utilities specially designed for organizations investing much into this sector like analytics support or even real-time reports vis-àvis collected funds profitably used along gifting prospects offered up by potential givers, etc.
This ensures significant fundraising occurs each year due to the doubled amounts received from loyal contributors or new donors willing to set aside a portion of their savings for charitable purposes. This is possible thanks to the collective effort of a team aiming to lessen the workload of individuals instead of relying on feedback forms that have been tested and approved by trustworthy community leaders.
These leaders are committed to achieving common goals specified in the past. The experience gained from this process helps to smooth over any unlikely technical difficulties, paving the way for the popularity of advanced methods connected to upgrading systems. This technique ensures that campaigns run smoothly and correctly and are fully functional, offering a double benefit inside and out.
This functional approach gives motivation to those worthy of expressing the growing need for practical ways to assist noble pursuits and respected causes that are currently advocating for profitable yearly planning and ongoing future plans. These plans are considered and archived systematically, built and ready to be released in timescales that reflect the required statistical data rendered relative to past events and future needs that are likely to arise.

Success Stories and Testimonials
Nonprofits and schools of all shapes and sizes have reaped the rewards of using Double the Donation. If you visit their website, plenty of stories highlight how powerful these services can be in amplifying fundraising efforts. One such example is the American Red Cross, which managed to acquire more than a million dollars in matching gift revenue due to Double the Donation’s detailed database as well as its features.
These tales prove exactly why nonprofits should consider utilizing what Double the Donations has on offer when it comes time for them to reach out for donations or gifts – helping countless organizations realize their ambition by providing cutting-edge resources that enable an increase in returns from philanthropy campaigns effectively aids with overall objectives being met within communities everywhere!
Tips for Maximizing Matching Gift Revenue
Nonprofits should take advantage of the massive potential revenue that comes from unclaimed matching gifts, estimated billions each year. To make the most out of these resources, organizations must ensure donor education about them and incorporate tools such as Double The Donation’s 360MatchPro or automated handwritten notes with Simply Noted for extra gift reminders.
This approach can drive up fundraising success significantly while allowing nonprofits to maximize their impact on society. Don’t miss out on maximizing your organization’s matching gift information and opportunities today!
Double Your Donations by Using Automated Handwritten Notes From Simply Noted
Simply Noted is an innovative platform with unique handwriting robots that send physical handwritten notes. By synchronizing different CRM systems and automating duties, such as celebrating birthdays via card, this tool presents a distinct way of communicating with donors, which can lead to higher donations.
Using Simply Noted’s automated service has many advantages: it personalizes messages, encourages people to utilize gift-matching programs, strengthens the connection between giver and receiver, and enhances donor loyalty and commitment, resulting in increased contributions overall for the organization or company.

By using Double the Donation for donor engagement and retention, nonprofits have a variety of benefits at their fingertips, including better donor loyalty rates, greater involvement from younger donors, more success with matching gifts, and time savings.
Double The Donation simplifies the process of taking advantage of these opportunities by making it easy to identify them in an accessible way. This means that even when times are hard -– like they might be now – fundraising can reach its full potential through matching donations while encouraging sustainer relationships between your organization and contributors alike!
Thanks to automated reminders, which keep both parties up-to-date about available match gift possibilities as well as what is needed, submit one’s request quickly – maximizing efforts on all fronts for those engaged with double donation initiatives.
Streamlined Donation Process
Double the Donation makes it simpler and more accessible for donors to search out their employer’s matching gift program so that they can promptly submit a donation as well as put in requests for any available match. This more efficient approach not only saves time but also encourages greater giving, which then helps with fundraising success.
An intuitive user interface combined with seamless compatibility alongside popular fundraisers means double donations ensure users take full advantage of corresponding gifts by submitting them effortlessly. Boosting your organization’s philanthropic efforts.
Automated Follow-ups and Reminders
Double the Donation offers automated follow-ups and reminders to maximize donation potential, which can facilitate increased matching gift participation. Through their email streams and text marketing services through Twilio, Double the Donation sends out reminder emails within 24 hours of a gift, as well as following up with donors for them to submit their matching gift requests. It is possible to choose certain gifts that should or shouldn’t receive notifications while auto-submission enabled companies are able also be synced into databases.
This ensures any available opportunities don’t go amiss, so both donor and organization benefit from improved matchings when it comes time for submitting requests. Fundraising benefits improve due to this streamlined process, meaning donations will become easier than ever before!

By tapping into the comprehensive and accurate Double the Donation database, your organization can unlock a wealth of potential matching gift opportunities to expand its donor base and maximize fundraising returns. With more than 24,000 entries included in their database, it is clear why so many organizations have used this invaluable resource to uncover eligible donors who could qualify for matching gifts.
Using double donations’ data sources allows you to utilize volunteer grant programs. An additional avenue that grants access to Funds through donated time instead of solely financial resources. These are both critical when considering how best to increase donation receipts over multiple outlets available within one location, making it possible with just a few clicks!
Database Features and Updates
Double the Donation provides access to an extensive database with over 26 million employees, ensuring a 99.68% accuracy rate of all eligible donors looking for matching gifts. Not only does this donation offer updated and accurate information on potential matching gift donors, but it also keeps you one step ahead in your fundraising efforts as it constantly refines its entries for relevance within any organization’s given criteria.
Double the Donation has maximum compatibility, meaning that organizations can rely confidently on the accurate matching gift database already upon them when seeking out individuals who wish to double their donations.
Accessing and Utilizing the Database
Double the Donation provides access to a comprehensive database of over 24,000 companies’ matching gift programs and volunteer grant opportunities. By visiting their website at and using search tools such as its Matching Gift Search Tool and automated follow-ups, organizations can identify potential donors that may provide matchable gifts while streamlining the process for those individuals involved. This is an effective way for organizations to maximize fundraising revenue by expanding reach among donor pools to leverage these various matching gift possibilities available through Double the Donation’s resources.
By utilizing Double the Donation’s tools and resources, organizations have a huge potential for boosting their fundraising efforts. Through automating follow-ups, streamlining the matching gift process, and tapping into an extensive database of donations – these gifts can be fully taken advantage of rather than left unclaimed on the table. All this means you’ll greatly impact your community by taking your fundraisers to another level with matchable giving opportunities!

frequently asked questions
How does Double the Donation work?
Donors can maximize the power of their donations by taking advantage of Double the Donation’s matching gift program. It facilitates donors connecting with their employers to double any donation, instantly submitting requests on their behalf. This means that a donor’s contribution could be doubled, helping increase funds raised for causes they support! Participating in such programs demonstrates to donors just how much impact they are having and offers an even greater return from giving back financially or through volunteering efforts.
Who owns Double the Donation?
Adam Weinger founded Double the Donation in 2010 and currently owns it. The concept of this service is based on doubling a donation when an eligible match is found through their system.
Who is the CEO of Double the Donation?
Adam Weinger is the head of Double the Donation, a top provider that helps nonprofits acquire more funds. Its platform gives access to vital assets such as match gift search capabilities, donation tracking, and automated acknowledgments for donors making donations. This tool allows nonprofits to monitor gifts that encourage additional funding from benefactors. By taking advantage of this service delivered by Double the Donation, non-profits can benefit from increased income via money and presents alike!
Does Double the Donation integrate with Salesforce?
Double the Donation makes it simple to bring in extra money from matching gifts through its integration with Salesforce. Our guide provides all the instructions you need to get started boosting your revenue today!
What are matching gifts?
Matching gifts are donations given by companies or organizations to support the charitable contributions of their employees, retirees, and members. These matchings may be provided in cash or kind, a multiple that ranges from several dollars up to an amount set out by the company. Consequently, this allows for each donation to have increased value towards its cause. Offering such matches on gifts encourages more people within these organizations to contribute and amplifies the significance of every gift they receive.