5 Incredible Thank You Messages for Loan Officers

Thank You Note to Realtor from Loan Officer Templates and More
Loan officers are the unsung heroes of the home buying process. Real estate agents have the pleasure of helping people find their dream home. Inspectors make sure no one gets taken advantage of. But none of this would be possible without a mortgage broker making sure funds are available for the purchase.
It’s easy to forget just how critical you are to the process, and how much buyers depend on you. One way to remind them, and yourself, is to send out mortgage loan officer thank you cards. They can be a great way to close the transaction, offering one last opportunity to communicate with the client. If you compose your thank-yous properly, they can be used to ask for a recommendation, prospect for leads, and generally leave things on a happy note.
There is no wrong way to compose a thank you letter from loan officer to client, but following a proven structure will improve your messages and amplify your results. Below you’ll find five templates that you can use as written or adapt to your purposes. The most important thing is to be authentic and personal.
And don’t think you’re limited to client thank you cards. Thanking the other professionals involved in a mortgage transaction can be a great way to drum up new business. Try these thank you note templates for yourself!
Sending a Thank You After Your Clients Close on Their Home
These are classic loan officer thank you cards. They cap off the end of a successful transaction. Your client is feeling good, having just made a major life purchase, and because you aided them on their journey through the loan process, they'll be predisposed to offering referrals if you ask for them.
Dear Leslie and Bob,
I wanted to say how appreciative I am that you chose me for your loan financing needs. It was a pleasure to lead you through the process. I’m so excited for you and this new chapter of your life. It’s clear there’s a lot of love in your family, and now you have a place to plant it. I’m so glad your brother-in-law connected us. I wish you nothing but good memories in your new home.
Gratefully yours,
Linda Watkins
P.S. If you know of any friends or family looking to purchase or refinance, I’d love the opportunity to speak with them. Please feel free to pass on my information!
SEE ALSO: 4 Formal Business Letter Samples
Reminding Your Client On Their First Anniversary
Sending a second thank you card on the anniversary of a client's loan approval and home purchase rekindles the relationship. It brings you back to their mind and provides a second opportunity to prospect.
Dear Leslie and Bob,
Can you believe you’ve been your new home for a year already? It’s incredible how time flies. I hope it has proven to be everything you were hoping for. I like to take this opportunity to thank my clients one last time and ask if there’s anyone you know that needs a loan officer. I’d be happy to help them the same way I helped you. Thank you again for the opportunity! My business wouldn’t exist without your business.
With gratitude,
Linda Watkins
Sending a Thank You for Refinancing With You
Refinancing isn’t as exciting as buying a home, but it can be enormously beneficial. As mortgage brokers, you're saving your clients money on their existing mortgages. It's a perfect opportunity to show your gratitude.
Dear Margaret,
It was very nice working with you on your recent refinance. There's a lot of competition, and I'm sure you entertained many refi offers. I wanted to let you know just how thankful I am that you chose me for your home loan. It's a good feeling when I get to save customers money on their mortgages. Thanks for sticking with me and the entire team through the whole process. Enjoy your lower payment!
Linda Watkins
P.S. As you well know, rates have never been lower. I’d be happy to speak with anyone you know that is also looking to benefit. I included a few of my cards. Please let me know what I can do!
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Using a Thank You to Ask for a Recommendation
Online reviews and recommendations are increasingly important as a growing number of people use them to make purchase decisions. Sending a thank you card is a great way to put a smile on your customer’s face as you ask them to write you a recommendation. The more recommendations you have, the more likely it is that potential clients will come aboard. You might say:
Dear Sara and Tony,
I wanted to let you know how pleased I was that everything worked out for you with your new home purchase. I'm grateful I got the chance to get you a great interest rate and help make it a reality. You were both very forthcoming and easy to work with, and I appreciate that immensely. It was an absolute pleasure.
If you feel the same way, would you be willing to write a recommendation on Google? I’ll include a link to my business listing at the bottom of this card. Anything you’re glad to say about our transaction would be helpful. Positive reviews help keep me in business! Thanks again for the opportunity to work with you.
Yours truly,
Linda Watkins
Thanking Other Professionals For Their Efforts
Buying a home takes a team. Sending a heartfelt thank you to the other players involved, like your client’s real estate agent, can forge valuable business connections. You may find that they start steering business your way.
Dear Amanda,
Hi! I’m Linda Watkins, the loan officer involved in financing the home you recently helped Leslie and Bob Smith purchase. I wanted to send a quick note expressing my thanks for your work. It takes a village to sell a house, and your efforts are appreciated.
If you ever have a moment, I’d love to speak with you about what I can do for your clients in the future. You’ll find my contact information below. Thanks again!
Linda Watkins
Before You Send That Card, Consider Hand Writing It
As a mortgage company, you could just send an email, or print out a card and mail it, but know that handwritten cards are far more effective. When people see a handwritten address, they’re more likely to open the letter. And the personal touch of a handwritten message demonstrates how important you consider your clients.
Of course, handwriting takes time, time you likely don’t have. Instead, let Simply Noted send your thank you cards for you. Our automated handwriting machines use real ballpoint pens for a truly authentic experience. We can even replicate your handwriting!
All you need to do is type up your message and it to us. We’ll handwrite it onto an attractive card, hand address the envelope, and get it winging its way to your client. You get none of the work of handwritten cards and all of the benefits!